horsecrap headline of the year

‘Seven ways Obama will save America’
Is that “save it after doing his best to fuck it”? Or “save it so he can screw it over again”? Because it sure didn’t need saving until the undocumented marxist moved into the White House.

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12 Responses to horsecrap headline of the year

  1. Wombat says:

    I listened to his speech (the way I would listen to Stalin or Hitler speak, if I had a time machine).
    The whole thing consisted of nothing but meaningless platitudes and empty rhetoric. If the words came from the mouth of a goldfish you’d assume the poor thing had been dropped on its head at some stage. Of course the assembled crowd of sycophants clapped at every opportunity but there was a clearly noticeable awkwardness to the applause, even across the radio.

    The timing was off, the way people clap when they’re expected to rather than as a spontaneous expression of joy.

    The facade is wearing thin. I don’t believe that the powers-that-be will ever regain the luster of legitimacy they once had. The descent into naked aggression is well underway, and we should all prepare accordingly.

  2. Ronbo says:



    • KG says:

      Absolutely. And the Republicans will let him get away with it.
      Not because they’re spineless, although they are that. But because trashing the Constitution will suit them very well, should they become the government.
      Almost no politician will ever decline the opportunity for more power.

  3. GW says:

    The left sees businesses and the economy as cash cows to be forever milked at their whim. They – and Obama in particular – don’t understand economics and don’t care. Truth be known, if the left had done nothing at all in response to the economic meltdown of 2008 and left the economy on auto-pilot, we would be undergoing a huge economic surge today. Instead, we got well and truly screwed with Obamacare, Dodd Frank and much higher taxes on the wealth creators.

  4. KG says:

    “..if the left had done nothing at all in response to the economic meltdown of 2008 and left the economy on auto-pilot, we would be undergoing a huge economic surge today.”
    I believe that’s true, GW. After all, it was government intervention which prolonged the Depression in the U.S.

  5. Ronbo says:


    Democrat or Republican the ruling elite are first and always PROGRESSIVES (Communists)

    …and to illustrate your comment:—republican-congressmen-threatens-to-throw-reporter-off-balcony-during-interview-053744777.html?vp=1

    Spoken like a card carrying member of Progressive Ruling Class, heh :?:

  6. Mathew says:

    They’ve changed the headline now, perhaps someone at figured out they actually listed 8 points.

    I’m surprised anyone bothered listening to him. Ultimately it’s too late to start whining now. And those stupid enough to think he’s going to save anything are too far gone into the fairyland. You’d have to be a really special sort of stupid to think that the so called greatest president in the history of the universe would wait around on his ass until his second term to actually save the nation.

    Just tell them to quieten down, have another joint/kool aid, get ready to polish hillarys ass, cos she’ll save you. Morons.

  7. Flashman says:

    The empty suit speaks to its constituency audiences. All the grown-ups left the room a long time ago.