It’s not called TOTALitarian for nothing:

‘Study: Third-Hand Smoke Exposure As Deadly As Smoking’    source
Bollocks. This is about expanding Nanny’s reach, nothing else.  Junk science in the service of tyranny.

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20 Responses to It’s not called TOTALitarian for nothing:

  1. andy5759 says:

    Dick commented on this report, he has some interesting things to say.

    • KG says:

      Thanks Andy. I’ll go take a look if I can find the site.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      “If this is the trustworthiness of ‘peer-reviewed science’, I suggest that anything published by academic journals should be treated as if you’d just read it in the Beano.”
      I thought that Dick Puddlecote summed that up very nicely.

  2. KG says:

    Heh! Great stuff. Thanks for that.

    ‘Audit Trail Of A Public Health Lie
    From imagination to finished article, here is a perfect example of a tobacco control industry lie.

    Back in 2010, California’s Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) – an organisation which despises tobacco, as the name suggests – decided that a new lie was required, so dangled 3.75 million carrots in front of junk scientists everywhere.
    TRDRP Call for Applications
    Request for Proposals for TRDRP Initiative on Thirdhand Smoke and Cigarette Butts 
    The Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) to undertake studies on Thirdhand Smoke and Cigarette Butt Waste, under a new initiative. 
    Approximately $3.75 million is expected to be available for this RFP.
    Of course, junk scientists will say anything you like for $3.75 million (eh, Anna?), and it was clear what results the TRDRP were looking for, so prospective grantees had to be equally clear about what the TRDRP would get for its money.

    One such lucky winner – as I reported at the time – was University of California Riverside.
    [Manuela] Martins-Green will study the effects of this kind of smoke exposure on skin biology and wound healing. The two-year $250,000 grant will support one graduate student and one postdoctoral scholar. “I am expecting to find that prolonged exposure to third-hand smoke will affect the ability of the skin to protect us from environmental exposures,” she said. “I also expect that, when injured, the skin will not heal normally and could even result in wounds that become chronic.”
    So, Manuela already knew what her report was going to say before she embarked upon it. It’s kind of a prerequisite in tobacco control; if your study is impartial it might come up with the wrong results, you see, and would have to be buried. And what a waste of TRDRP’s money that would be!

    What’s more, the TRDRP grant application page shows that Manuela didn’t only pre-commit to a result, she also knew exactly what her post-‘research’ conclusions would be…’

  3. mawm says:

    I thought that this myth had been debunked in a number of studies. Amazing how they don’t reach the press.

  4. Seneca III says:

    This is UCR for Christ’s sake, what should we expect from what was once a viable research institution but has now become an epicenter for the distribution of politically correct, multicultural cretinous drivel – something useful?

    This academy, if one dare use that appellation, is “…ranked as one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the US.” 42% of its students are on Pell Grants and, wait for it…”Nearly two thirds of all UCR of students graduate within six years without regard to economic disparity. (my bold and italics). Furthermore, it is known as the ‘campus of choice’ for minority students, including LGBT students, and in 2005 became the first public university campus to offer a gender-neutral housing option. (Figures!)

    On the credit side it has produced one notable alumnus, Dr. Richard R. Shrock, who took a BA from UCR, went on to take a PH. D. at Harvard, do post-Doc work at Cambridge and, via DuPont, went on to MIT where he became a Professor and whilst there shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (for olethin metasynthesis) with Robert H. Grubbs and Yves Chauvin. What a pity he was not at UCR overseeing this current collection of 23 juvenile undergraduate drivel-wits who produced the “Cigarette Smoke Toxins Deposited on Surfaces: Implications for Human health” paper.

  5. Robertv says:

    The Obama administration has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers with loose or incidental ties to terror and insurgent groups, in a move one senator called “deeply alarming.”
    The change, approved by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry, was announced Wednesday in the Federal Register. It would allow some individuals who provided “limited material support” to terror groups to be considered for entry into the U.S.

    It’s not called TOTALitarian for nothing

  6. Robertv says:

    For those who think the crisis is over, think again.

    tik tik tik tik tik tik tik ……………

  7. KG says:

    Where are we going and why are we in this handcart?

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Hi KG, a couple of things…..

    1. It was never actually proven that 2nd hand smoke increased health risks.
    2. ANY proper study starts with the null hypothesis, i.e. in this case it would be that 3rd hand smoke does not increase health risks.
    3. (OK I know this is more than a ‘couple’) it is probably impossible to predict a particular individual will suffer serious effects from the effects of 1st hand cigarette smoke.

  9. Darin says:

    Wait,I live in an old house,it was occupied previously by people who smoked.Maybe I could get a grant to study the effects of 33-1/3 hand smoke on the human body with a special focus on any sexual side effects.
    Of course I will need several million dollars and some coed “volunteers”to pursue my “research”

  10. Contempt says:

    :shock: Darin, Make that application to TSA, NSA or perhaps direct to the White House. If you get it can we all come work for you N your coeds? :roll:

  11. Ronbo says:

    To: Darin

    Fm: Uncle Sugar

    RE. Of course I will need several million dollars and some coed “volunteers”to pursue my “research”

    Dear Mr. Darin:

    You have been granted $10 million by the U.S. federal government to pursue what looks like promising research; however, you must recruit your own volunteers.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Uncle Sugar

    cc: President Obama

    P.S. Your campaign donation of $5 million will be greatly appreciated.