The Latest Woodpile Report is up

and it’s a beauty.
‘..Voters aren’t innocents, they know they’re co-conspirators in a criminal enterprise. There is but one legal strategy remaining to honest Americans. Withhold your vote. Withhold your vote and you withhold consent. Withhold your consent and you withhold legitimacy. The surest route to change is empty voting booths. Stay home on election day. Not only is it your civic duty, you aren’t really missing anything. Your vote counts for nothing and it changes nothing. If it did it would be illegal. How has voting worked for you so far?…’

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5 Responses to The Latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. andy5759 says:

    If voting were made compulsory, “None of the Above” should be an option.

  2. KG says:

    from Remus’ site:
    ‘Those Americans who have been disheartened by the lack of effective response in the citizen resistance movement to the tyranny and oppression that now besets us should take heart. Something is afoot and it is right on the brink of being set into motion….’