Anybody who thinks these people wouldn’t happily help herd conservatives into the cattle trains headed for the nearest gas chambers is dreaming.
and let’s not forget insane Guardianista greens:
‘As long as you have a house, mains power and a vehicle you cannot be living ethically.’
The adamant attitude of greens is so blindly resolute it is as chilling as Islamo-Fascism.
And not so far removed, philosophically.
Yes, it is the idea of the “us” on one side of the boundary and the infidels who don’t swallow their shit on the other side. And, by the way, greens and Islamo-Fascists are all stone-age arseholes.
They’re savages. I was going to say *ignorant* savages but I’m sure they know exactly what they’re doing.
The left murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century. So why would anyone find them now clamoring for more blood to bathe their horrid ideology a surprise? They are not amenable to argument. Unless and until these people are met with force they will keep at it until the 20th century is repeated.
Yet people still don’t regard the bastards as evil, partly because years of leftist-dominated “education” has produced so many people incapable of analytical thought.
We The Slaves
Agenda 21
Try sending the “Greens” into the wilderness without a phone, i pad, etc… With just their wits and they act like the spoiled children they are.
A person could run out of smilie faces here.