Whites not welcome

‘An event meant to celebrate diversity and combat racism at a Washington state community college has been cancelled after a flier emailed to guests said white people weren’t invited…’
But of course, excluding white people isn’t racist…nossir!

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4 Responses to Whites not welcome

  1. mawm says:

    What is surprising is that the college cancelled the event. :roll:

  2. KG says:

    I found that surprising, too.

  3. Wombat says:

    “It was simply a mistake by someone new to our community.”

    Now imagine, someone in their “community” organises an event dedicated to the discussion of drug use, violence and alcohol abuse.

    They then make it clear that “When trying to explicitly talk about crime in the community it can be a really difficult conversation for a lot of people.”

    “That space is not for coloured people. That space is for whites.”

    I believe the response would be a little stronger than “”It was simply a mistake by someone new to our community.”

    In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were drawn and quartered.