‘CIA director John Brennan is at it again—equivocating over the nature of jihad by evoking paradigms familiar to the West. Last Tuesday, “during an event at the Council of Foreign Relations, Brennan was asked about the ‘war of ideas’ surrounding Islam, which the questioner said many Americans tend to equate with violence.” The CIA chief responded by saying that al-Qaeda’s ideology is “a perverse and very corrupt interpretation of the Qur’an”; that “al-Qaeda has hijacked” Islam; that “they have really distorted the teachings of Muhammad.” Even so, “that ideology, that agenda of al-Qaeda,” confirmed Brennan, “has gained resonance and following in many parts of the world.”….’ source
Words fail…..perhaps the “I” should be removed from CIA.
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The fact that he was key note at a CFR function says it all.
‘…a perverse and corrupt interpretation…’? So why do they quote it when they are killing? Yep ‘CA’… ‘Clown Asshats’
y’all better watch those racist comments on the religion of peace. U might get reported to BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound.
As Darin implies, the CFR has form. And the rumour mill is full of Brennon being a Muslim convert. Add in a quick sprinkle of taqiyya and/or kitman to taste, and we should really wonder why this is news!
To (miss-)quote a certain Miss Mandy Rice-Davies a few years ago (Profumo scandal in Britain) “Well he would say that, wouldn’t he”.
This is just a symptom that the US government has been pwned by the RoP as effectively as all of the European governments, its just taking a bit longer to show itself.
Over 100 jihad (sword) verses in the Koran tells me that Al Qaeda is made up of devout Muslims who go about their Islamic duty of killing the infidels…but of course, I’m a just a lowly peon who took time to actually read the Koran and not the wizard of smart on high who read the CIA one page PC memo on the subject.
The interesting thing about people who label Islam as a religion of peace, is that they don’t really know anything about Islam. The left can brand Osama Bin Laden as a “radical” if they want to, but that doesn’t make it true. Bin Laden was no radical and neither are the folks who murder by Jihad. They are doing exactly what the Prophet has commanded them to do in the name of Allah. I once had a discussion with a similarly misinformed youth at the University who proclaimed that Islam was a religion of peace and lamented the radical elements within it.
Turns out he didn’t know the first damned thing about Islam. Never knew that there was a method for resolving conflict within the Quran, never knew that there were Hadiths that further defined the religion. In fact, he knew next to nothing about it. That is the state of knowledge for the vast majority of idiots who declare Islam as a religion of peace.
The truth is that Islam has spread by the sword since it’s inception. The first 50 years after the death of the prophet are some of the most bloody in the history of the world, and in the end it fractured Islam into Sunni and Shia. There is Taqiyya that conceals the true intent of the speaker in order to advance the Islamic cause, and this was approved of by the Prophet himself in order to facilitate murder! So much for peace.
Islam may call Jews and Christians people of the book, but when they are not murdering them with wild abandon, they turn them into 3rd class citizens and forbid them to worship freely or to repair their houses of worship or build new ones. Islam advocates beating your wife, and the marriage of children as young as nine years old. Hell, the prophet married his favorite wife at the ripe old age of six! But it’s all good, he didn’t consummate the union until she was nine. Between the ages of six and nine, he just thighed her. A practice that continues to this day by Muslim men, with the Ayatollah Khomeini taking the seven year old daughter of a friend, and thighing her during an overnight stay, with her father’s blessing. There is nothing so repugnant as some ignorant jackass who extols the “virtues” of Islam, when they don’t have the first clue about it.
Obama is the product of the Madrassa. He began his Presidency by apologizing to the Arab world. He has rammed Islam down the throats of the Military and our Intelligence agencies so that now, fundamental Christianity is viewed as more dangerous than Islam. I challenge the jackass who administers the CIA to give me one example of fundamentalist Christian terrorism, because I can point to more than 20,000 examples of Islamic terrorism since 9/11. If Islam were a religion of peace, why would there be more than 20,000 examples that say otherwise?
How much blood has to spill before these know nothing imbeciles finally get it? Will it take suicide bombings in American malls or attacks on our water supply or power infrastructure to finally get it through to these incompetent cretins? Christ, the FBI was warned twice about the Boston bombers and they did absolutely nothing. But Gibson Guitar sure was rousted by a SWAT team about where they got their wood courtesy of the EPA.
Then there are the Mahdis who terrorized European travelers in the Middle East in the 20’s and 30’s, the Muslim SS units that assisted in the Holocaust, the fact that the Odessa Project was primarily an Islamic operation, and the ongoing genocide of Christians and Jews in the Arab world, and the list goes on, and on, and on.
Anyone who claims Islam is a religion of peace is either an idiot or a liar.
Sadly in this day and age its entirely fashionable from age 15 to 25 to side with any influence that undermines and degrades western culture.
Usually people grow out of it, but as the years go by, more and more people are refusing to “grow up”.
These are the ones we know as the progressives. They despise western culture, and try as they might, they cannot disguise the guilty pleasure they feel whenever a bunch of devout Christians are murdered or another 500 steel workers lose their jobs.
But all’s fair in love and war. In truth, I’ll have a hard time disguising my own guilty pleasure when I see them starving to death after they get their wish and manage to collapse our society from the inside.
“Anyone who claims Islam is a religion of peace is either an idiot or a liar.”
Damn right, William. When I hear some assclown defending islam, I classify them as an enemy. Always.
No surprises here, Brennan’s one of the fuckers.