‘Scientists who donĀ“t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming should be put in prison, a US philosophy professor argues on a website funded by the UK government…’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Prison as in Gulag…
Precisely. It’s a concept leftards are perfectly comfortable with.
No gulags, I am sure our prof is not that barbaric. These would be wholly benign reeducation camps.
Couple the left’s utter hatred for all who articulate impermissible thought with the war on religion in the West and I shudder to think the direction in which we are heading.
We may shudder, GW, but I see no way to alter the trajectory.
Of course, if I have my way it will be Leftard philosophy professors like him that will be sent to Arctic concentration camps in Alaska for life at hard labor with no hope of parole
My hate for the Left knows no bounds and God help them if I’m ever in a position of authority able to do them harm…I WILL…and that’s a promise
Meanwhile I update my personal proscription list daily…and if the winds of civil war blow again…
Never quite got that movie. Something about spanking causes violent revolutions, or something?
How about we put those who are trying to put this lie on us in prison. Force them to view real data and learn about the scientific method.
It’s not about science. It’s about staking out turf for funding.
Imagine if the governments of the world said “all right, scientists. We believe you and we’re going to act. Unfortunately that means we don’t need you anymore. You’re all out of a job.”
You’d suddenly find sceptic scientists galore, all drawing their money from nations and companies with reserves of fossil fuels. And they’d come up with every excuse imaginable for their about-face.
Fortunately for them, arguing against the truth is like pushing diahorrea uphill. It’s dirty work but the job security is limitless.
an “assistant” “professor” of philosophy..what more can you say!..
as we all know , this gravy train is sure getting long.
“All a’ board; there’s a shit load of public extorted funding here”…
this is reading like a big ponzi[pyramid] scheme…the more aye’s = more tax..easy to see that they wouldn’t want that to end.
I am a scientist. I do not believe in AGW. I await the “knock” on tyhe door at 4am.
And this isn’t the first time that this has been seriously considered. Some years back, there was a measure proposed to codify global warming denier laws in the U.S. based upon the European holocaust denier laws. The intent was to jail anyone who denied that man was responsible for global warming. What’s more, that isn’t the first time that the left has sought to imprison dissenters.
During Wilson’s administration, they actually passed a sedition law that set up secret communications and jailed people for objecting to America’s entrance into WW I. People were actually taken off of the street and incarcerated during that time. A lot of folks would see this article and laugh, but the left is deadly serious about robbing a man of his freedom if they can get half a chance.