Importing dangerous offal:

‘..How could these 34 people from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal — mostly Muslim countries that are neither war-torn nor famine-struck — think that threatening to kill our sailors, shouting “f— Australia” and warning of another September 11 would make us unlock our hearts and our door?
And how many people just like them are among the more than 50,000 Labor let sail in uninvited, even taxiing them in on our warships?…’

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13 Responses to Importing dangerous offal:

  1. More than you would want to know. Once they achieve a critical mass, they will work to disassemble Australia brick by brick, and turn it into the cesspool from which they flee. All courtesy of multiculturalism and political correctness. It is happening all over the world as I write this. By allowing unchecked immigration, you import the tools of your own destruction.

    • KG says:

      Absolutely, William. The Abbott government has reduced the numbers a lot, but there are enough of these scumbags here already to be causing social tensions and creating exclaves which are virtual “no go” areas for Australians.
      It’s not enough to stem the inflow, deportation needs to be a frequently used weapon against them too.

      • andy5759 says:

        I had wee panic attack when I read ‘Abbott government’, for some reason it made me think of Dianne Abbott.

        Two deep breaths and a couple of deep sucks on me pint. Now I feel better, but, you know this is going to be a recurring nightmare now.


  2. Col. Bunny says:

    I always shake my head when I read of illegals arriving by boat off of Italy’s Lampadusa. Without fail, the Italian Navy escorts the boats IN rather than repulsing them.

    What kind of a Navy does THAT to defend the sovereign territory of the nation? Tow the next 500 boats across to Libya and upload the film on YouTube and the word would get out that’s it’s futile to even start. But, no, it well WORTH anyone’s time to start.

    • KG says:

      Yep. Tow them back, offload the invaders and torch the boats.
      Of course, the concept of “sovereign territory” is now outmoded, according to the “progressive’s” view of the world.

  3. paulscott says:

    Crusader, I think the Abbot Government are pretty realistic about this situation.
    Abbot is taking a hit from the bleeding hearts now.
    There is a corollary problem within the detention camps which breed further discontent and anger.
    European countries and the UK have already paid the price for all this on board laissez faire management attitude.
    Once you become a protectorate for invaders they will misuse you.
    I do tend to agree with William Stout, because the evidence is for what he says, the cells will grow.
    It is better to repulse in the first place .
    It seems pretty to think these people are poor little refugees until they attack you at your roots.
    Fundamental Islam is evil

    • KG says:

      I reckon you’re right, Paul. But the election which put the Abbott government into power demonstrated clearly that the bleeding hearts don’t represent the views of the majority of Australians, the ABC notwithstanding.
      If Abbott keeps his nerve, the problem will remain manageable.

      • thor42 says:

        “But the election which put the Abbott government into power demonstrated clearly that the bleeding hearts don’t represent the views of the majority of Australians”

        Yes, and thank goodness for that.

        It is *great* that Australia has people like you, KG, and others like you. Tough take-no-BS types from the outback who are happy to tell the moronic left-wingers and Muslim savages to go f**k themselves.

  4. We in CA and USA know about illegal and un-checked immigration–it is destroying our country and economy – bit by bit–
    To My Aussie Friends-We Need a Bright moment every now and then-=Right!
    Hugs to All of you who love freedom!!

  5. Mathew says:

    And these are exactly the type of people that labour and the greens want to bring into Australia. Remember that for years shits like these were let it and they said nothing, all they wanted was more and more.

    Lord i pray that Australians are never again stupid enough to vote for these bastards.