Open house

‘The Genocidal Duck Whisperers of the Post-Human Left’

Nice shirt…


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71 Responses to Open house

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Visit the homes of these sub humans and do Clockwork Orange reenactments…

  2. KG says:

    ‘The American Physical Society has been amongst the loudest alarmist organisations whipping up hysteria about CO2, but a review of its position that has placed three sceptics on the six-member investigatory panel strongly suggests the tide has turned
    ..The APS notes that the models seem able to reproduce the Arctic declining ice trend, but not the Antarctic rising ice trend. Moreover, the APS has spotted that the IPCC had done its ice graphs using only 17 out of its 40 models, these 17 happening to produce reasonable fits with the data…’

  3. Darin says:

    “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who gave us sovereignty over animals – which includes their protection, is a myth to these metrosexual pistolphobic lunatics who don’t understand the care and knowledge it took to get their next meal into the supermarket and on to the shelf or deli.” Daniel Greenfield

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: I am especially concerned about protecting my Betta fish “Pete.” Pete has already lost his friend and next door neighbor “Repete” to a water/fish bowl cleanup. NO MORE!!! Save the FISH! NOW!! Thank U oBowa for your service to the world, if not the entire known and unknown Universe. :roll:

        • Contempt says:

          See, I don’t know if “Pete” is “Repete” or vice versa. It’s complicated. :cry:

          • HarvardPotatoHead says:

            There you go again Cointempt. You never know up from down. You must be more bipolar than yours very trulilily. Or it could be worse than that like life ain’t no bowl of cherries and you ain’t gonna get what you want EVER. If you cannot tell your fish apart then report to Level 666, BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound 2 B given a deposition followed by waterboarding undt un proctological exam by Dr. Diplomatic Pouch, Harvard Medical School, in the Algora Green Room. Following this Dr. Josef Megele, III will examine your teeth for necessary extraction de la gold 2 B forwarded to BlackBerry’s offshore account in Cuba. Damn.

        • Findalis says:

          Collect the whole set!

    • Darin says:

      I bet if someone walked up and sucker punched the magistrate her opinion would be different,dumb bitch.

      Nothing like that has ever happened to me,probably because I’m big enough to burn diesel,but if it ever did I would use the prick’s Spleen for a Trampoline.

      Of course if it were my way the victim could legally shoot the bastard no harm no foul.An armed society is a polite society.

      • KG says:

        Interesting, isn’t it? On one hand the law forbids us (here in Australia) from actively exercising the natural right to defend ourselves – except under circumstances so restricted that the defender is at a huge disadvantage – and on the other, the courts excuse violent offenders or give them a token slap on the wrist when it suits the whims of a judge…..
        My right to defend myself is a RIGHT, inherited and absolute as it is for every living organism and no fucking political or legal lackey is going to dictate otherwise. Period. :evil:
        When the law and the police are able to effectively defend peaceable people I’ll take note of what they have to say. Until then, the judgement of when to use force in defence of me and mine, is mine alone.
        I’ve no intention of being the mess that police arrive to mop up half an hour after the event.

        • Darin says:

          Exactly,the police 95% of the time arrive on the scene AFTER a crime has been committed.They only investigate what happened and then hopefully set in motion the process of bringing the perpetrator to justice.

          And that at least in the US is all the police are required to do.They are not as the SCOTUS has re-affirmed time and again required to risk their own lives to save someone else.The fact that many do and have done so is only a testimony to their individual character and heroism.

          With that in mind the responsibility for my safety and that of my family falls to me,simple as that.Any law that hinders my ability to carryout that responsibility is immoral and unjust.

          And then we have our modern system of “justice”.IF and that is a big if,the authorities could arrest,prosecute and imprison the criminal in an effective manner,I many not feel the need to keep a loaded gun in the nightstand at all times.However they have proven time and again to be either incompetent or unwilling to do so.Jail house deals,light sentences and early release have seen to it that all manner of crime sprees are picked up and continued at the instant the felon is released.

  5. Findalis says:

    The world was 5 degrees warmer 2000 years ago. That was the time of the Roman Empire, and England was noted for its wonderful wines.

    Today all England is noted for is its whines. They are not wonderful.

  6. Contempt says:

    @Darin – To Hell with whales. Save our collective asses.

  7. Darin says:

    Speaking of Michelle,she does a good job in this goofy video ad :grin:

    • KG says:

      ‘..upgrading the Crawler Transporter from 12million to 18million lbs-‘
      How’s that going to help their new muslim outreach mission?

      • Darin says:

        A friend of mine on the inside said come 2015 if the election goes right there will be major reverses in policy at Nasa.

        I hope so,I hope America starts doing great things again and leading once more instead of begging rides off the Commies.

        • KG says:

          In which case, perhaps there’ll be less of this crap:
          ‘After running the numbers on a set of four equations representing human society, a team of NASA-funded mathematicians has come to the grim conclusion that the utter collapse of human civilization will be “difficult to avoid.”

          The exact scenario may vary, but in the coming decades humanity is essentially doomed to some variant of “Elites” consuming too much, “resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society.”

          That is, unless civilization is ready for one of two “major policy changes”: inequality must be “greatly reduced” or population growth must be “strictly controlled.” …’

          • Darin says:

            There is a split at Nasa,the old guard that put us on the Moon and made the Shuttle program what it is and the current crop of political hacks.

            The old guard,which carries a great deal of weight is flat footed embarrased by the other.On subjects from the future of Nasa and it’s mission to the AGW hoax.They have an axe to grind and it’s getting sharper by the day.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    A glimmer of hope in the East

    What impressed me was the margin of victory.

    • KG says:

      ‘With 100 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, write-in votes totaled 10,595, or 47.7 percent, to Miller’s 5,920, or 26.6 percent.’
      ‘…He attributed his win in great part to the relentlessly negative attacks on him by the local and state GOP party establishments.’ :mrgreen:

  9. KG says:

    Mississippi Bloodbath: Open Warfare Breaks Out In Tea Party Vs. Barbour, Cochran

    • Darin says:

      One problem,I can’t stand McDaniel and I am wondering if the Teaparty has been co-opted by the Dems in this case.
      He’s a trial lawyer,personal injury type.He opposed Tort reform in the state because of that.He supposedly opposes Common Core,though he has missed a vote recently to block a pro-CC appointment.
      No,I don’t like him one bit and I think before the week is out I will E-mail an open letter to Palin’s group and ask them just how good of research did they do on him before giving him the nod.
      Something else stinks too,because Chocran hasn’t been a bad senator.

      • KG says:

        Perhaps the important thing is to break the Republican establishment’s stranglehold on the selection of candidates, Darin?

        • Darin says:

          Even if it means putting a Democrat in office?

          What I am saying is there are three people in the race-Chocran the Republican and two Democrats.

          I’ll go on record as saying that if Chocran goes down,he will be the second Republican senator from Mississippi who was inline for majority leader taken out by the Dems.

          • KG says:

            hmmm…I don’t know enough about the machinations and personalities to do any more than suggest possibilities. :sad:

            • Darin says:

              I’m gonna burn a few hours this week doing research and see what I find out.

              I sincerely hope I am wrong,but if I am right and what I suspect is going on turns out to be true,then there are no candidates running who are beholden to the people :sad:

  10. mawm says:

    Here’s a shocker :roll:

    In the age group 50–59, 12.1 percent of the women were drinking a half bottle of wine or its equivalent at least two or three times a week. :shock:

    and, of course this…

    Although few will develop alcohol problems, with such high shares of big consumers we can expect an alarming increase in alcohol-related disorders.

    Tell Gecko she has to lay off the sauce…… ;-)

    • KG says:

      Amazing story, that. :shock: You’d think they’d have all been found by now, wouldn’t you?

      • Darin says:

        Ya,darn things just keep on turning up.One of the antiques appraisal shows had a woman on who brought in some costume jewelry to be appraised.
        Her girlfriends kept teasing her about her “tacky” 20’s era jewelry so she wanted to find out what it was really worth.

        Turns out it was real and included 45 carats of Diamonds,several very large Ruby’s and the entire necklace,broach and bracket were solid Platinum.

        The appraiser put the value at a Conservative $450,000

    • Darin says:

      Strange that article never mentions what color he is,only that he’s dark complected.Musta fell asleep in a Tanning bed. :roll: