Even the truth is now “racist”:

‘The Pennsylvania Attorney General´s Office ran an undercover sting operation over three years that captured leading Philadelphia Democrats, including four members of the city´s state House delegation, on tape accepting money, The Inquirer has learned. Yet no one was charged with a crime. Prosecutors began the sting in 2010 when Republican Tom Corbett was attorney general. After Democrat Kathleen G. Kane took office in 2013, she shut it down. In a statement to The Inquirer on Friday, Kane called the investigation poorly conceived, badly managed, and tainted by racism, saying it had targeted African Americans…
….Sources with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted the payments…’

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10 Responses to Even the truth is now “racist”:

  1. KG says:

    If one is judged by the company he keeps….
    ‘Obama’s Radical Homeland Security Chief Meets w/Code Pink Terror Supporters
    …Code Pink’s allies since the group’s founding in 2002 have included Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Taliban, al Qaeda (various branches) and members of the Weather Underground. Code Pink has also allied itself with the terrorist governments of Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…’


  2. mawm says:

    It gets more and more nauseating how corrupt the left are and how willingly they exploit the race card at every turn……….and they get away with it very time openly aided and abetted by the 4th estate and those inside The Beltway, be they red or blue. :evil:

  3. KG says:

    It’s no wonder they’ve become so brazen about it–they’re effectively fireproof. And an apathetic, uninformed population makes it all possible.

    • Mathew says:

      Apathetic yes, uninformed no, we live in an age where information is literally spoon fed to people yet never have some of us been so stupid. Even the beggars of centuries ago know more than some of the idiots today do.

  4. I once believed that the American people were asleep. That they weren’t aware of the wrong doing by their government because the wool had been pulled over their eyes by lying politicians and an equally untrustworthy media. But after watching this spectacle for years, I now believe that they want it this way. That way, they have no illusions about honesty in their government. Politics have devolved into team sports. With Democrats and Republicans being no more than my team versus your team. It doesn’t matter if they have no honor, no integrity, and no interest in serving the citizen. All that matters is that my team wins, and keeps governmental power.

    Where once the corrupt politician had to worry about law enforcement, he now knows that his back is covered by a sympathetic public and a corrupt Justice Department or Attorney General. Of course, this also means that one can no longer find justice in the Courts, and that has it’s own significance. In short, it means that we are no longer a society founded upon the law.

    • Darin says:

      William,I see it as a 40/40/20 split.

      40% of the country doesn’t care,as long as the free stuff keeps flowing they don’t care what happens,

      40% does care and hates what has been happening,but has little voice beyond a few politicians that are Republican or Teaparty.

      Then there is the 20% that cares,but has been disillusioned with the whole mess and doesn’t even vote anymore.

      That’s why every presidential election of recent years has been decided by a 3-4% swing along the edges.

  5. Darin says:

    Another political spectacle in the making.Former governor Edwin Edwards is running for congress in Louisiana,make that former governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards D-Louisiana.

    At least ole Eddie is entertaining,he is one of those rare politicians where you know good and well he is a corrupt scoundrel,but because of his personality you still like him.

  6. Mathew says:

    Kane is probably on the take too. That’s what democrats and the left are, dishonest to the core.

  7. GW says:

    The truth has been racist since The Moynihan Report in 1965. What is happening in Philly is an extension of not only that, but of the whole obscenity that is the left that ascended with Obama. These people have advanced from shameless to lawless. We are getting close to the point when only violence remains as an answer.

  8. KG says:

    “We are getting close to the point when only violence remains as an answer.”
    My impression is that we’ve already reached that point, GW. But then, I always was short-tempered in the face of tyranny… ;-)