Corruption, NZ-style:

‘The Government’s audit of the Te Kohanga Reo National Trust has been slammed as a “whitewash” by right-wing lobby group the Taxpayers Union.
The comments come as the Government dodged questions about allegations of misspending by a company linked to kohanga reo after a media conference last night in which it said the organisation had been cleared – before admitting none of the claims sparking its inquiry were investigated…’ (bold mine)
It’s interesting, too, that the Taxpayer’s Union is described in this item as a “right-wing lobby group”. How come left-wing lobby groups are never described as being “left-wing lobby groups” by the same news outlet?

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5 Responses to Corruption, NZ-style:

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    Well, maybe Tracy Watkins (The Dominion Post’s political editor) thinks that “right-wing” is an synonym for “people who ask the wrong questions.”

    • KG says:

      Sure looks like it, Odakyu-sen. :mrgreen:
      Of course, within a few weeks the drongoes, lemmings and other assorted wombles will be claiming that “an enquiry was held and the suspects were cleared of any wrongdoing”.
      After all, maoris are National’s partners in crime…..

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    “How come left-wing lobby groups are never described as being “left-wing lobby groups” by the same news outlet?”

    KG, are you a lawyer? As in ‘Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.”

  3. Mathew says:

    Looks like NZ is in the same rut as America, only 2 political parties to choose from, scumbag and ratbag. No wonder so many of them move out here.