Get a life!

‘TOP Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has been accused of making a racist comment in the final episode of the show’s 21st season.
The episode shows Clarkson, along with co-hosts Richard Hammond and James May, travelling to Thailand to build a bridge over the River Kwai.
In one scene, Clarkson and Hammond are shown standing at the end of their completed bridge, watching an unidentified Thai man walk across it.
“That is a proud moment,” Clarkson says. “But there’s a slope on it.”…’
Do the whining clowns complaining about this really think that other races don’t use slang terms when referring to white people? Once upon a time, when people were – you know – grown up, race-based banter was a normal part of humour, and it cut both ways. The petty grievance-mongers need to grow up, get a life and perhaps mention a particular group they NEVER criticise for racist comments–American blacks.
Oh no, I forgot…..blacks are a protected species in the world of victimology….

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16 Responses to Get a life!

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Jeremy Clarkson is unerringly funny! Enough said?

    Now, can I venture miles o/t? I was having a debate last weekend about “goose-stepping.” Where did this type of marching originate? What are its advantages (if any?) Why did the Nazis employ it? Sorry for the meander.

    • KG says:

      I like meanders. :grin:
      My understanding is that it originated during the Napoleonic era in Prussia, but if anybody knows more I’d be interested to hear it.
      Orwell called it “an affirmation of raw power”, so perhaps that’s why the Nazis employed it?

      • Cadwallader says:

        The connection between Prussia and latter day Nazi Germany would seem to make sense. Thanks. :razz:

  2. Darin says:

    Along similar lines,how completely screwed are we in the west when a TV network has to setup a mourning website where all it’s teeny bopper viewers can mourn one of the shows characters being killed off?Not the actor dying,but the effing character

  3. MvL says:

    The Indians and Pakis tried to get the hang of it. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      “Nutty” doesn’t begin to cover it. If these two countries don’t go to war within the next ten years, I’ll be amazed.

      • Darin says:

        They dam near did after the Mumbai attack,but I think we (US and UK) talked India out of it,instead of joining in and giving Pakistan the beating it deserves.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    I saw that episode last night! It was absolutely hilarious. And yes, the bridge was slanted (“sloped”).

    To top it off, they built it over the wrong river; they built a bridge over the river Kok!

  5. KG says:

    ‘Why Israel is worried about the missing Malaysia plane
    Mar. 18, 2014 – 3:12 – Defense officials suspect Iran is behind jet’s disappearance, fear plane could be used as weapon of mass destruction’

    Just post me a check, guys.

    • Ronbo says:


      Even Fox News has got into the act and EVERY program to include Hannity has to comment on the MISSING PLANE for at least 15 minutes in an hour long program and we don’t know anymore today that we did three days after the plane went AWOL.

      Bad as Fox News is on this crap, CNN has run amok 26 hours (I swear :!: :mrgreen: ) out of 24 in programs on the MISSING PLANE…In fact, the wags are saying CNN may air “LOST” episodes where a plane goes missing and crashes on the mysterious island. :mrgreen:

      • KG says:

        It’s a mystery, and mysteries can be fun for a while. But really, I don’t give a damn.
        300 die in a metal tube and the world goes nuts. Hundreds more died this year already at the hands of islamists and nobody gives a shit.

  6. Col. Bunny says:

    I once (1967) took a ship from Hong Kong to Japan. I went steerage with a bunch of Chinese passengers. They told me the porter who’d brought my trunk on board for me said it was for the “[foreign] devil.” I thought it was funny. The other passengers told him he shouldn’t speak that way.

    When we got off I asked a very kind and decent, and very Christian gent, “You didn’t steal any of my stuff, did you?” He laughed and said, “Only a little, a little.”

    Decent, good humored types and no big deal about the “devil” epithet, which wasn’t mean viciously anyway.

    There was another Chinese guy on the ship. I remember his saying, “Americans are too naive. Too naive.”

    Little did I know at the time.

    I stayed in some kind of a rooming house with a family in Hong Kong. Darned if I know how I found it. They were fine with my taking the eight-year-old grandson around Hong Kong BY MYSELF, a complete stranger. Great kid and sweet grandmother.

    Interesting times.

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. The only real racial hostility I’ve ever experienced was from NZ maoris and a very few young Australian Aborigines. Apart from that, it was pretty much similar to your experiences, Colonel B.
      Interestingly, the maoris and the Aborigines seemed to be repeating their leftist teacher’s slogans….