and of course, when free speech becomes even more censored he’ll throw up his hands and say “not my fault”:
‘China, Russia, and Iran want a crack at controlling the Internet
Each passing day sees more resistance to the Obama Administration’s announced handover of Internet domain supervision to an as-yet undetermined global agency…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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What, Americans don’t like HBSC’s vision of global citizenship? It probably never occurred to him as a possibility but even if it did he probably didn’t give a rat’s ass what the people (peons) think.
The internet is now central to the “free” world in terms of the economy, communications and information. What could possibly go wrong with giving the enemies of the free world a say in its governance.
We are still paying, almost four decades on, for Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy. I have no doubt that history will show that the price we will pay for all of Obama’s naive (at best, I am being generous here) policies will make the price we have paid for Carter’s pale in comparison.
Worry not about the Internet being blocked by tyrants, there are always ways around anything they can do.
The genie of liberty is out of the bottle on a global scale.
It won’t be going back.
I like optimism–and wish I could share it.
Do not give our Internet away. Damn fool. The God Damn Americans never stop God Damning America.
The aforementioned countries are already laughing their ass off at him. They’ll get whatever they want because obama and co hate America far more than anything else.
They never got over the end of the ol’ soviet union, leaving the USA still standing stuck in their craw. All those millions dead wasn’t enough for them, they want another crack at it. They’d much rather burn themselves to the ground along with America.
Pity so many in America seems oblivious to it, are too stupid to know it or just don’t care.
And not just in America……it’s true of all of the West.