This is tyranny, not law.

‘An Ohio high school student has already been jailed and kicked out of school for having a pocket knife in his car, and now he fears he could lose his dream of serving in the Army.
Jordan Wiser, a student at Ashtabula County Technical School in Jefferson, is finishing up his senior year from home after school officials searched his car in December and found the folding knife and an Airsoft gun. School officials called police, who charged him with illegal conveyance of a weapon onto a school ground based on the three-inch knife….’

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8 Responses to This is tyranny, not law.

  1. Sue the Bsssds-
    Enough is enough!!

    • dondiego says:

      That wont help anybody anywhere, they own the judiciary (all tiers) too. This is likely just to fudge the stats so they can say “Look- whites bring weapons to school too”, part of that new ignore *more* nig crime on campus & prosecute whites for any perceived slight.

      A young bloke with an emergency responder vest & kit etc should be given a pat on the back, not 13 days in the pokey. Chocolate Jesus aint dancing in the street singing murder whites yet (although his N.O.I mate who’s visited the WH numerous times has). Look to africa, obama & the N.O.I have :evil:

      • Darin says:

        I agree in principal with suing them,but the problem is the people who made these idiotic decisions are either immune from being sued themselves or are protected by the school districts insurance.
        So any settlement would come out of taxpayers pockets and not the idiot’s.Neat system they have rigged for themselves isn’t it? :evil:

  2. Darin says:

    And the Baseball equipment lockers are full of weapons(bats),as are most teachers desks(scissors) and God only knows how many mop handles and screwdrivers are laying around in the janitorial and maintinance departments.

    • andy5759 says:

      I once had a conversation with a web footed ex-member of Her Majesty’s armed forces. We challenged each other to come up with ways to make a sheet of A4 paper become a lethal weapon. This chinwag lasted quite a while.

      • KG says:

        “..a web footed ex-member of Her Majesty’s armed forces.”
        :lol: I once worked with their airborne brothers….great people.

  3. Contempt says:

    My football coach had a nice “Board of Education” that he used on me in the 9th grade. It worked very well.