‘Britain’s Girl Scouts Create Self-Esteem Badge’ James Delingpole
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Better than here what one troop wanted to create: A badge showing how many abortions they had.
My Grandmother on my mothers side grew up in the little town of Edgard,Louisiana in the 1920’s.Edgard was a small town on the the west bank of the Mississippi River a little ways north of New Orleans.Rural to it’s being and French speaking to it’s core,the only thing in life that moved fast were the Steam boats on the River.
She told us grandkids once about the time she was sent by her mother to the telegraph office in the New Olreans so she could send a telegraph back to family still in France and inform them of her grandfather’s passing.She hitched a ride on one of the many cane wagons that were hauling Sugar cane from the plantations to the mill until she made it to her cousin’s home at which point the two of them joined up and headed off walking together towards the riverboat landing on the river.
Once there they caught the south bound boat headed for New Orleans.A couple hours later they made it to the Canal street landing at New Orleans and then walked six or so blocks to the Telegraph office.They sent the message and then began the trip home.They stopped at a public fountain near the street car tracks,where they rested and ate the lunch her cousin’s mother had sent along with them as well as admire all the flood of people including the wealthy women dressed in the latest fashion.
The River back then was much more congested with boat traffic than now.Accidents,collisions and boiler explosions were fairly commonplace then as were river pirates,theives,murderers and all the usual rif-raff and warf rats familiar to many a sea port town.
Grandmother said they returned home,safe and sound but tired from their big round trip of 40 miles about dusk on the same day.My grandmother and her cousin were 11 and 13 years old at the time.
Now contrast that with todays girls that same age and realise how far we have fallen.
Great comment! Thanks, Darin.
Your welcome!
I watched this short video on the Tube yesterday and it brought back memories of all the stuff grandma told us about doing coming up.It’s sady really,New Orleans would be an excellent place to live today if it wasn’t for all the stupidity
Nice one Darin, and it is interesting how far we’ve fallen.
Thanks Gecko!
Sadly it’s another sign that my nation is past it’s prime.
Not just yours, Darin.
Surely not “us”, the regulars at CR. My aim is to be one of those alcohol inflicted oldies burdening the millenials and “me” generation with my alcohol related illnesses. It’s called payback for the screaming and shrieking that goes on at all hours when they get totally out of their selfish undeveloped minds with their alcohol abuse. Most would probably think self-esteem means “entitlement” anyway.
Right on!
‘I have a cunning plan…”
You’ve been watching Blackadder again, haven’t you?
“To earn the badge, Girl Guides between 10 and 14 will have to complete two workshops in which they are taught to “value their bodies” and “celebrate diversity””
I wonder if there will be exceptions for any muslim girl guides from celebrating the diversity of homosexuals, transgenders and lesbians. Surely there must be, no chance there’d be a spine amongst the jellyfish that came up with this nonsense.
“We cannot be certain what Agnes Baden-Powell (sister of the Boy Scouts’ founder Robert Baden-Powell) and her original Girl Guides would have made of this because unfortunately they’re all dead.”
No, fortunately they’re all dead. Better they don’t see this.
“No, fortunately they’re all dead. Better they don’t see this.”