‘A Muslim family from Long Island slapped the owners of the Empire State Building Tuesday with a $5 million lawsuit that claims that Islamic prayer is not being accommodated on the observation deck of the Empire State Building…’
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We should just have a small, highly trained group to quietly dispose of any Muslims/progressives who poke their head above the parapet. Pew pew pew!
Damn right. Nothing else will fix this problem.
I understand you wanting brevity in the title, I’d like to think “Strap or tie each bastard to an ICBM”.
Also @mawm: Have you seen their mosque outside of Shepparton (Vic)? A local told me they joke it IS a big missile. Pointy old castle style in-you-face aggressive “We’re here!” attachment to the building.
(If I knew how to attach photos I’d add it)
This is a typical dominance move by Muslims. It tells me they feel there are enough of them in the US to start pushing for rule. It follows on from the Ground Zero mosque and other pushes to get Sharia Law established. The only way to stop them is to eliminate them.
Why the f*ck would anyone expect islamic prayer to be accommodated up there? The thing was built 83-odd years ago to be an office building in a modern-day, western city, and in all those years, no group, be they religious or otherwise, has ever been concerned that the former tallest building in the world did not cater for prayers of some kind. If these clowns want to pray islamic style, aren’t there enough mosques around the joint for them to do that, without getting all bitter and twisted, because a structure that in no posible way could have been expected to cater for their whiny needs, doesn’t cater for those whiny needs? The worst part about this is that a court will actually hear the matter instead of kicking it to the kerb.
Five million dollars? That’s a lot of greenbacks, and the irony is that these people profess to hate America so much, but they are so keen to get their hands on pictures of their old presidents.
It’s all about shoving islam in the faces of the infidel, Phil. Michael’s “The only way to stop them is to eliminate them” is spot-on.
No reasonable accommodation is possible with these fucking animals.
That’s America for you these days, you can’t beat them in a fair fight, toe-to-toe, planes to planes, infantry to infantry. But they’re bare-arsed and willfully blind to being sued and badgered into submission on stupid fantasies.
Don’t be surprised when you hear they’re going to knock down the empire state building and rebuild it facing mecca or some such crap. They seem to live in some confused alternate reality, if it weren’t so sad, pathetic and humiliating you’d laugh.