Surrender to barbarians:

It’s the modern Western way:
‘..In France, police have achieved more than 100 FGM convictions. Britain is presumably too constrained by multi-culti timidity to do much about it. Australia, as well, is shamefully inert when it comes to addressing this wicked practice. We’ve only seen a handful of prosecutions, yet in 2010 Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital reported treating between 600 to 700 FGM cases every year.
That would put our FGM count very close to Britain’s. Enjoy the vibrant diversity, people.’          Tim Blair
Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs
Nicholas Fluck, president of The Law Society, said the guidance would promote “good practice” in applying Islamic principles in the British legal system..’
Update:       Australia is no better
Surrender after a hard fight carries no shame, but pre-emptive surrender to a primitive, murderous pack of colonisers will haunt the children of the West forever. Perhaps it’s just as well the poor saps are being thoroughly conditioned in the indoctrination centres that pass for schools. It’ll lessen their pain.

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6 Responses to Surrender to barbarians:

  1. Mathew says:

    So now they have a parallel system of justice, one for the muslims and one for the rest of us curs. How nice, soon in the near future it’ll be just the one sharia-lite (initially) for all the Brits, muslims and curs.

    I think it’s now wishful thinking that the Brits will stand up and refuse to take this shit anymore. They’re going quietly into the night, thanks for the postal system guys.

  2. KG says:

    “They’re going quietly into the night…”
    Yes, they are. And so will we.

    • Wombat says:

      F’all Islam in Tassie. Not yet, anyway.

      The tree-line is just a little too close to the ‘burbs for the liking of the Muzzies. They see that tree-line and they know what lurks behind it.


      Rednecks with rifles and shovels. :twisted:

  3. Darin says:

    islam is a disease and muslims are the carriers.Time to quarantine :twisted:

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Is Australia any better Kg when one of your magistrates does this?

    Need for some .44 mag justice here I think.

    • KG says:

      No, we’re in the same boat Michael. :sad: Why can’t I shoot that Afghan asshole and get off by citing “cultural differences” too? :evil: