‘CHILDREN will be banned from playing to win, keeping score and best and fairest awards under Australia-wide changes to junior football ­developed by the AFL.
Thousands of junior footballers in up to 150 leagues will be forced to play with no scoreboard, ladders or match results under the shake-up designed to promote participation rather than competition….’
That’ll really help prepare them for life in the adult world, won’t it?

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13 Responses to FFS!

  1. GW says:

    Actually, yes, this is preparation. This is socialism applied to sports. You can have equality of opportunity (capitalism, small government) or equality of outcome (socialism, big government, “social justice”). The two are mutually exclusive. This is all just prepping your children for life under big brother. The people who are doing this ought to be shot.

  2. Darin says:

    Just wait till they get to unionize,then they can lay around on their asses and get paid for it.


  3. Contempt says:

    :shock: Since several decades or so, children’s sports have given “trophies” to winners and losers. Must not hurt the little darlings self esteem, you know. Understand pUtin will be awarding a nice gold trophy to oBowa very soon. :roll:

  4. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!TYGAC*!!!Blackberry hath onct agin twerped yours very trulilily re**the Underground Kompound’s trending development of Diplomatic Pouch’s Department of Redundancy Department re descending elevators on the highway to Hell much of which is paved in golden asphalt undt suitable for chariots de la prints and printesses Y following the finalization of the Redundancy Department Secretary of Steak John***Curry may or may not host a delightful evening of sociability et conversation et demented heavy bipolarular tri-personality doublecrosserulars of unsavory character. D Evening begins@OKeefe’sFeed&Seed.lotte.com Secret Service security with heavy d’orervez prepared by O’Keefe consisting of double fried cow pies, feral cat stew, undt !!!oops!!!yvt is sick of those cow pies please please please someone reading this meet me at the Israeli Exit beside the dumpsters get me outta heah yvt has Kompound photos, cds, raw sex footage, selfies etc and etc. waiting anxiously 4 ur tweet

    *TYGA – There You Go Again Cointempt
    **re: concerning

  5. Findalis says:

    Then why play in the first place.

    • KG says:


      • Findalis says:

        As kids we would run around outside playing games of our own making. Got plenty of exercise and fun. Never bothered by a score. Winning didn’t matter, fun did.

        We have taken that from our kids. How much poorer they are.

        • KG says:

          :shock: You just contradicted your previous comment, Findalis.
          And perhaps winning didn’t matter to you and your friends, but it certainly mattered to me and mine. It mattered a lot.

          • Wombat says:

            Said the Gazelle to the Cheetah, “Does it matter who is fastest?”
            Replied the cheetah, “no, it matters only who is slowest.”

            Something we in the first world are going to find out the hard way, and sooner than we’d think.

          • Findalis says:

            Winning didn’t matter in a game of stickball or handball between friends. Just playing for fun and do annoy the adults was enough.

            • Wombat says:

              What we’re talking about here is representative team sports. Every Saturday or Sunday morning. Townsville vs Villstown. Under7’s, 9’s, 11’s 13’s.
              You’re talking about on the spot “take turns picking your players” games. I don’t take well to the psychotic attitude of the few frothing-mouth little-league dads that treat baseball light a pit-fight but an important lesson in growing up is that there’s times and places where you have to give 100 percent, and the only way you get 100 percent is to have an incentive.
              In life, we call it winning and loosing.

            • Findalis says:

              @ Wombat

              When I was growing up girls couldn’t play in Little League.

  6. Mathew says:

    I have a feeling this will backfire on the AFL, if they want boost their numbers and fans, this sort of stupidity will only ensure that good teams will get irritated with crap like this and go somewhere else.

    Besides if this is how the junior leagues will be playing how do you suppose they’ll choose who gets to play in the big leagues, i mean if no one knows the score, who knows who’s actually worth anything and who’s just a slacker. Just wait till some asshole parent decides to sue because junior didn’t get picked, discrimination, racism etc. Good luck AFL.