Open house

view(click for full size) Via Remus, of the inimitable Woodpile Report

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34 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Historians claim Holy Grail is in church in Leon, northern Spain’

    hmmmm………I have my doubts that Jesus would have had access to such an ornate and obviously valuable piece, much less have been so ostentatious as to drink out of it.
    But then, history is full of surprises, eh?

  2. KG says:

    NZ: ‘The Law Commission has recommended suicides be reported only as “a suspected suicide”, leaving out the method of death and that the death was definitely self-inflicted…’
    Because Kiwis aren’t grown up enough to deal with the truth, you see…..their betters will manage the news for them. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      Or,the next time some muzzie stabs someone to death they can call it suicide,you know because obviously the victim must have said something or drew a cartoon that offended them :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    Children who watch less TV are better behaved, slimmer, do better at school and are better behaved, researchers claim

    Whodda thunk it,not exposing children to the rot put out by Hollyweird would be a benefit to them

  4. Darin says:

    BALLS:-Robbery victim turns tables on crook.

    Update:Crook was sentenced today,what solved the case was some actual police work.The investigating officer compared after action reports for the days following the robbery attempt.Turns out the mother of the robber reported the busted windshield as vandalism :roll: :mrgreen:

  5. Darin says:

    Amazing creatures-
    “Scientists said on Wednesday they tracked these medium-sized whales off the coast of California using satellite-linked tags as the creatures dove down nearly 1.9 miles and spent two hours and 17 minutes underwater before resurfacing.” :shock: :shock:

  6. Darin says:

    It’s a good thing then that we wiped out those 50-60 million Buffalo that once farted all across the western plains,saved the planet I’d say :mrgreen:

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    The EPA in the US has been shouting alarm for years about the dangers of particulate matter in air pollution. They have all but destroyed the coal industry with their low standards to ‘protect the health of US citizens’. So what have they been doing in the way of research to prove their contentions?

    • KG says:

      :evil: Bastards.

      • Darin says:

        And yet again nature “polutes” more.For the past month I have been beat down by allegies.The Pine and Oak pollen is so thick rightnow a couple days without rain and everybodys cars turn a yellow tint.
        What are these fuckwits going to do to regulate that cut all the fing trees down?Fucking idiots :evil:

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Late thought (AKA ‘Delayed Intelligence)…Who was running these experiments Mengele?

  8. Darin says:


    ANOTHER shooting at Ft Hood,so far 4 dead,10 wounded :sad:

    “Officials” are already saying that is has no link of any kind to terrorism.Ya,right,just what they said the last time. :evil:

    • Wombat says:

      “Work related stress” as I recall, despite the fact that the murderer was screaming jihad throughout the whole trial. :roll:

      • Darin says:

        Ya,buy a clue polly.Can’t wait to see the spin and skew put on this one.
        Oh,and president doofus is scheduled to make a statement as if anybody gives a dam what he says.

  9. Darin says:

    The Italian form of government just got a bit more interesting :mrgreen:

    • Darin says:

      Leesee I count two white women,one white man and one white baby in that picture.If the perversity diversity police see that heads will roll at the newspaper since any picture that includes whites is obviously raaaasssssit

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      And they tout this as a good thing, why?