‘A society of cowards’

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13 Responses to ‘A society of cowards’

  1. I couldn’t agree with him more. In fact, he could just as easily have been speaking about the United States. The fact that we do a disservice to our children by kowtowing to those miserable bastards makes no never mind at all. Just as it does not seem to matter if we affix the yoke of financial servitude about their necks because we want to spend money that we do not have. That is the ultimate cost of socialism. They will provide everything that you need to live, but you cannot have your pride, your independence, or your freedom of thought and belief. It is unfathomable to me that there are actually people who are eager to accept that kind of life.

    I have long held the opinion that freedom despises a weak host. But freedom also assumes the responsibility for protecting the weak. The left despises a strong host, and cultivates weakness and dependency. The two approaches are adversarial by their very essence. This is why individuality is shunned today in favor of the collective.

    Islam on the other hand, despises both and seeks their destruction. It is a totalitarian system designed to control a population disguised as a religion. It has spread by the sword since it’s inception and it has never hesitated to shed the blood of the innocent. Further, Islam will not make a fuss in a territory that they do not consider to be theirs. The fact that they are so vocal in Western Europe indicates that Islam now has a proprietary interest in it. By bending over backwards to make Islam at home, Europe has slit it’s own throat, and by extension the throats of it’s native populations.

    No go areas, European women raped and beaten, young European girls forced into prostitution, Sharia law now recognized in the U.K., and it will not end until Islam has complete control. Mr. Condell can feel his country slipping away, as can the French, but it is far too late to stop it. Even in Malmo, the Jews are being forced to flee courtesy of Islam. They survived the Nazis, but not Islam. The only question that remains is will the left pay for their stupidity and complicity in Europe’s destruction? I doubt it.

    • A world of Sheeeeep-
      Here in the US – Christian ? church leaders? – bow to islam for fear of OFFENDING- they sell Christian properties to muslims ( my own experience w/ my own church “leaders” ) so mosques can be built —
      Well- I am OFFENDED that the muslims are offended!!!

      great comment – WS —

  2. KG says:

    Great comment. Thanks for that.
    “..will the left pay for their stupidity and complicity in Europe’s destruction? ”
    I doubt it too, William.
    What the left will do (and that’s the left from the very top of politics and the bureaucracies right down to the snivelling welfare lumps) is willingly work in the service of their new masters in order to keep the host body more or less productive, since the islamists can’t run anything more complicated than welfare scams.
    Somebody has to keep the lights on and the water supply reliable, after all.
    In return they’ll be granted relative immunity from persecution and power over their fellows–and keeping other native Europeans compliant and productive will be the left’s jizya payment.

  3. KG says:

    The leftards will see themselves as “empowered partners” of the muslim scum and will do pretty much what the Nazis did. They have a bottomless pool of hatred to draw on.

  4. mawm says:

    ….and power over their fellows..

    That is how the left will win – by empowering their legions of thoughtless drones to tell others what to do, whether it’s a policeman or a librarian.

  5. KG says:

    Yes, exactly.

  6. KG says:

    A metaphor:
    ‘SYRACUSE, N.Y. –  A city board on Thursday gave a Muslim group the go-ahead to remove six crosses from the roof and spires of a century-old former Catholic church so the now-vacant Gothic structure can be used as a mosque.’


  7. KG says:

    Meanwhile, Australian politicians have knowingly imported all the same problems into Australia:

  8. KG says:

    O/T creating tranquillized foot soldiers?

    Why else would the evil bastard spend $80m on this?

  9. Lara says:

    So, what is the answer? Who is going to be the new crusader, the new revlutionaries, prepared to do the dirty work. Christianity is getting flayed.

    • KG says:

      Simple question, complex answers, Lara.
      In short, probably nobody. At least initially. Nobody will be prepared to sacrifice themselves and their families for an apathetic, ignorant population who won’t get off their backsides.
      But should a spark ignite real conflict, then I believe there will be enough people ready enough to fight. And it will be a bloody business.