The latest Woodpile Report is up.

From the Report:
‘More equal – Sharpton owes the government almost twice what the government alleges this rancher owes. The rancher gets raided and Sharpton gets invited to the White House to party down with our man-child president and gets the president to attend his convention. When will the government surround Al Sharpton to collect the back taxes he owes? 
Comment at via fonzannoon, comment 4649748 at ‘

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7 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report is up.

  1. Ronbo says:

    @KG: Do you still remember those long ago days when our small band of brothers were about the only ones on the Internet seriously discussing American Revolution 2.0?

    Read this article and comments:

    I think we in the USA are getting near the revolutionary tipping point.

  2. KG says:

    I remember, Ronbo. We were paranoid warmongers then. :mrgreen:
    Funny how almost everything we were paranoid about has come to pass, eh?

  3. KG says:

    Mount up, and ride to the guns, Carol.

  4. KG says:

    Writing this from the waterfront in Townsville right now.