coal, oil, economic growth and national sovereignty – orders new IPCC climate report’
These zealots are now self-satirizing. Only fellow zealots, the uninformed and the corrupt treat them seriously.
coal, oil, economic growth and national sovereignty – orders new IPCC climate report’
These zealots are now self-satirizing. Only fellow zealots, the uninformed and the corrupt treat them seriously.
This false ‘theory’ has been pushed hard by the US EPA who also promote the regulations under the Clean Air Act. Surprise! Surprise! the EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy (an Obama appointee), has recently admitted the agency does not have and cannot produce the data on which it has based the regulations against particulate emissions. This hasn’t stopped them from proposing new tougher requirements that will result in huge cost to American business.
All regulations passed by government agencies are unlawful, since they bypass the processes which were designed to make America a Republic based on laws formulated by the representatives of the people.