Redbaiter on the Bundy affair

‘Bundy Ranch Rebellion- A stand against cultural decline’
As usual, he gets straight to the heart of the matter.

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5 Responses to Redbaiter on the Bundy affair

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    Red’s BAAAACK.

    (virtually fires AK-47 & Stingers into the air to celebrate!)

  2. Darin says:

    Spot on RB,it’s time we stop taking a beating from the jackboots and start biting back.

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!ANJ!!!* BlackBerry hath axed Yours Very Trulililyular to dole out the trending topics developing up here in the Contigamus Lower 48 Steaks***where Beef won the West and the below mentioned new joint is to be adjacent to O’Keefe’s Feed and Seed Lottee currently featuring pickled feral pig knutes, ears and cute little curly tails dyed red you will certainly enjoy these delicacies prepared with loving hands and a ecxtra charp Bowie knife like the one Davy Crockett Look YVT has much to report however gotta duck out b4 D Bog Administraitor or that Cointempt dude hits d airwaves undt gets computer savvy. Love ya mean it my BFFs in our 56-57th Steaks & if you will please take care of the camels and elephants down there. Over and out, yours very truly HarvardPotatoHead

    *A New Joint locating soon on Level 666, BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound 2B named “Caligular’s Sword & Spearre Shoppee” this unique shoppee will feature Ball Bearings, Rectal Snares, Venereal Diseases a la endless, Hemmorhoid Snips and Wart & Toenail removals @ half off**
    **no pun intended
    ***featuring all grass fed, spring water no antibiotics beef and hit sho B good if yvt say so heseff

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: Sheet that Ivy leaker is at it again :roll: Will someone please install cotton balls in his mouth and ears?