Open house

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: “Those who have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear.”

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”      Benito Mussolini

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39 Responses to Open house

    • Darin says:

      When the first vote came around the UAW which is supposed to “represent the workers”cut a deal behind the workers backs with VW before the vote even happened,one that would have cut $3/hr off the wages of those workers.All of that done without any input from the workers at all.

      VW supposedly wants unionization,my answer is they haven’t dealt with US unions and have no idea what they are getting into.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: “Those who have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear.”


    I said the same thing the day I was arrested by the Feds back in 1994…

    It ain’t true.

    What is true was related by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the “Gulag” upon his arrest by the Soviet Secret Police in 1945 when he protested that he was innocent of the charges, “We never make mistakes” said the SMESH (Death To Spies) agent.

    Interestingly, Solzhenitsyn and I received almost the exact same sentence for doing nothing: five years in prison and three years parole.

    • KG says:

      I really hate that “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” mantra.
      It’s the attitude of serfs and it enables tyranny.
      Further, it means that the government–which is supposed to be the servant of the people–can introduce any repressive laws it likes and the only way to have “nothing to hide” is to obey those laws. So it’s a formula for servitude. No wonder that slimy little know-nothing greedhead Zuckerberg promotes it. :evil:

    • KG says:

      I’m disgusted by this as you are, Darin. The mainstream Christian churches have lost their way.
      Catholicism will soon be indistinguishable from Anglicanism, a bunch of social workers in fancy dress.

    • Lucia Maria says:


      Pelosi was assisting the Anglican Bishop in an Anglican Church. Nothing to do with Catholicism, except for Pelosi’s mistaken belief that she’s acting as a good one.

      • Darin says:

        Oh,my bad-“Why I am done with all the Cob web mainline denominations including the Catholic Church”-better? :roll:

        Pelosi is very much a Catholic and very much still receiving Communion despite her open endorsement of abortion on demand,gay marriage and using the Church as her own personal soap box and door mat.

        By her and other liberal politicians being allowed to continue in this farce it is no different than a street walker being allowed to ply her trade in the rectory.

        She should have been publicly told not to darken the door of a Church again until she has a change of heart,but a majority of Catholics voted for Obama AGAIN in 2012,so it doesn’t come as a surprise that it hasn’t happened.

        • Lucia Maria says:


          The Church is a hospital for the sick – that means it’s full of people who are very, very bad. Unfortunately some of those bad people do cause scandal, such as Pelosi. They are more cultural Catholics than real Catholics.

          It’s very hard for priests to deny communion to those obstinate in their sin, because they themselves then risk becoming political, while as their role is more as shepherds and when it comes down to it, it is the responsibility of every single Catholic to determine themselves whether they can receive communion or not. If they can’t and they do, them they are in effect signing their own death warrants.

          Therefore, I am not too bothered personally that Pelosi receives communion, because she will get what is coming to her, sooner or later, of that we can be absolutely sure.

          • Darin says:

            There in is the problem, TOO many social Catholics and no split in the Church to separate the wheat from the chaff.
            People like Pelosi being allowed to continue in the Church and in their ways with no repercussions leads others astray and dilutes the trans formative power of the faith.”In the world,but not of the world” has been forgotten .If there is no difference between the Church and the rest of society,then what is the point.

            • KG says:

              “If there is no difference between the Church and the rest of society,then what is the point.”

            • Lucia Maria says:


              The point is that there is nowhere else to go, that is if you believe the Catholic Church is the Church that Our Lord founded. Remember the Eucharistic discourse in John’s Gospel, when Jesus had been telling everyone that they needed to drink His Blood and eat His Flesh if they wanted eternal life, and many left because they found what He said unpalatable. Yet when Our Lord turned to Peter and asked him if he was going to leave as well, Peter said, “To whom shall we go, Lord? You have the words of eternal life.”

              Unfortunately, we live in times whereby people are too comfortable, and not used to suffering, so .. making a stand against the scandal that the Pelosis of this world create involves more backbone than is currently available.

              It will most likely change soon, as it’s becoming more and more difficult to live faithfully as a Catholic – those that can do so despite the odds will be the ones that effect change over the longer term.

  2. thor42 says:

    Looks like Sweden has well and truly become totalitarian (as if it wasn’t already…..)

    They will be passing a law after Christmas this year that will make it illegal to criticise immigration. I kid you not.

    Quote – “A new law will come into effect in Sweden after Christmas 2014, that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politician’s unwillingness to tackle the issue.

    The Constitutional Committee’s report has been voted for in parliament, seen in a letter from the Parliamentary Offices. Member of Parliament Andrew Norlén, member of the Constitutional Committee, has been pushing the issue and he says it will rapidly become a deterrent.

    “I do not think it takes very many prosecutions before a signal is transmitted in the community that the internet is not a lawless country, the sheriff is back in town” Norlén said during a one-sided ‘debate’ on the issue in Swedish parliament.”

    So – soon immigration will be forbidden to be discussed there. What will be next?

    This is where “political correctness” and left-wing government ends up.

    The Swedes (of course) are far too GUTLESS to rise up and overthrow their government that has passed this law.

  3. Mathew says:

    What you get from that sort of thinking is – Those who have nothing to hide have everything to fear. And those with lots to hide get all the power and control they desire.

  4. KG says:

    New Zealand’s economic boom is about to pop with dramatic results, the US business magazine Forbes reports today.

  5. KG says:

    The Brits, discovering the benefits of islam:
    ‘Schools in Birmingham are illegally segregating pupils, discriminating against non-Muslim students and restricting the GCSE syllabus to “comply with conservative Islamic teaching”, an official report leaked to The Telegraph discloses…’
    Coming soon, to Australia, New Zealand and America.

  6. KG says:

    hmmm….I just installed Linux “Mint” on a laptop, went looking for a sticky note app and found there are around 60,000 free and low-priced Linux programs available. :shock:
    Add to that, the freedom from nasties – and lots of other neat features – and the downside aspects of Linux don’t look too important. It’s ideal as a fast and lightweight o/s for browsing and email when travelling.

    • Ronbo says:

      …and people wonder why I say only a Second American Revolution led by a Cromwell type of leader can purge the Republic of crap like these university “nigger debates” filth. :evil:

  7. KG says:

    ‘The United States of SWAT?
    Military-style units from government agencies are wreaking havoc on non-violent citizens.
    ..Dozens of federal agencies now have Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? All of these have their own SWAT units and are part of a worrying trend towards the militarization of federal agencies — not to mention local police forces…’

  8. KG says:

    From Andrew Bolt, about yet another Anglican idiot social worker in fancy dress:
    ‘A morality that ignores the consequences is no morality at all: 

    As Scott Morrison and other Coalition ministers attend church this Easter, Adelaide’s Anglican Archbishop Jeffrey Driver says he has a message he hopes reaches them.
    Reflecting on the Abbott government’s asylum seeker policies, particularly the detention of children, the archbishop said: “I would remind them that Jesus did say, ‘Let the little children come to me’.”

    1. Jesus was inviting children to faith, not to Australia. One has limitless room, the other not.
    2. How many of those children – and parents – does Driver want to come? Another 50,000? 500,000?…’

  9. mawm says:

    Although I applaud the people who came to the defence of the Bundy’s and the outcome, there were times that I thought I was watching an American movie. So some timely and sage advice from Russell Longcore for all the would be Rambo’s out there – do not make a target of yourself and take special note of No. 4. listed below.

    • KG says:

      Great stuff. And a good find, Mawm. I also liked these from that article:
      But showing up for a pro-gun rally at the State Capitol in your camo BDUs is showing off, and maybe it’s your ego talking when it should be shutting up…
      Fourth Generation Warfare will be best accomplished by warriors in street clothes….
      That is why I like bolt-action rifles. Less tiny parts to break, rugged and dependable. Simple firearms are not as sexy as exotic firearms, but keep in mind your reason for owning firearms in the first place. Rifles are not supposed to be penis extensions…they are machine tools. Reliability is more important than anything else. Widely-available ammo and parts are king…..
      And remember that your mobile phone service provider has the ability to turn your phone on and use it as a listening device without your knowledge. Thwarting strategy? Leave your cell phone in the car when you are having a conversation with another person. Or pull the battery out of it…if you can. Sorry, iPhone users. You’re just fucked…..
      The Chinese are willing to do what Washington was not willing to do, which is to protect the value of their money. At some point soon, the nations of the world will stop buying US debt and will pivot toward China. When the world does not need the Dollar anymore, its value will evaporate literally overnight.
      And that’s when the crap hits the fan, all across the West. kg

      • mawm says:

        If you turn up in BDU’s you are a target, period. Just like the radio operator, the team leader and the medic get targeted first in an ambush.

        Do you know if the rumour that the FED snipers at the Bundy ranch showdown were ‘captured’ by some special forces-type guys is true? If so these Patriot groups are more organised than I thought.

        • KG says:

          What I heard is that they were found, surrounded and photographed, Mawm.
          Some of the militia groups are definitely “led from a distance” by experts and keep a low profile. But a lot more are infiltrated and blown, which is as you’d expect.
          The first couple of months of TSHTF will sort out which is which, I guess.
          The most effective will be those lone wolves who have the necessary contacts and support, acting independently with a common purpose and keeping their otherwise normal lifestyle. There’s no real answer to operators like that, as the IRA demonstrated.

  10. Darin says:

    What went on at the Bundy Ranch was a media battle plain and simple.In a real fight all the open tactics will go away.What the jack boots need to realize is,they won’t be up against third world conscripts.They will be up against free men and women who dod what they do and train the way they train on their own dime.

    Watch the tactical retreat at 12:00-

    • KG says: Beautiful! Those cowardly wannabe scumbags will fold and go home the first time they meet some patriots who know what they’re doing under hot conditions.

  11. Darin says:

    About weapons and tactics-
    I am a Machinist by trade,I know the junkyard engine with 80,000 miles on it will hold together better than a fresh rebuild at wide open throttle.The tolerances are loose,the sliding surfaces are polished and packed with lube,it will run without galling or scoring.Anything that was going to break would have already done so,it’s ready to run because it has been run.Same holds true with guns doesn’t matter if it’s an AR,AK or grand dad’s Remy 700,The nearly new rifle has a better chance of a FTF than one that has had a 1,000 rounds through it.

    When I built my first AR I went simple,no fancy parts,mil spec all the way.When I built my second I did the same,but with a difference.Instead of a collapsible butt stock I went with the classic A2 stock of Vietnam war fame.Reason why is the stock has a built in well for a cleaning kit,mine doesn’t contain a cleaning kit,Instead it has a bottle of Panther piss (clean high temp lube oil) and a spare bolt carrier group.The BCG is the most complex part of the rifle and the most vulnerable,however it can be swapped complete in less than 5 seconds,10 if done left handed in the dark.I run my rifles like I run my machines,wet and and often.

    So just how many rounds does the typical Postal worker or Wild life officer put through his gear per year?One survey I saw put the number at 40-50 rounds per weapon,per year,barely enough to qualify.I on the other hand manage 500/year per weapon and I do my damdest to keep the groups tight and small.Looking at some of the footage from various armed responses it doesn’t take long to figureout the feds and especially the local LEO’s are as ill prepared as anyone.

    • KG says:

      All true, Darin.
      But I don’t think it matters how many rounds the bureaucops fire per year, or even what they’re armed with.
      The most important pieces of equipment you bring to a firefight are your mindset and your heart. Nothing matters more.
      The wannabe patriots who display their huge “combat knives” and fancy tricked-out guns will fall by the wayside fairly quickly too. (or grow up in a hurry).
      What will be left is the men and women with a deep, abiding anger and an equally strong love of liberty. And they’ll fight with pitchforks and bare hands if need be.

    • KG says:

      “What these policies are doing is teaching kids and teachers to be very compliant and conditioning them to live in a police state.“
      Just so.