Sweden: Socialism to totalitarianism,

in one easy step.
‘A new law will come into effect in Sweden after Christmas 2014, that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politician’s unwillingness to tackle the issue.’
(Thanks to Thor42 for the tip)

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16 Responses to Sweden: Socialism to totalitarianism,

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    NZ of course already has such laws.

  2. Mathew says:

    Had to happen eventually with socialism, they start by promising all sorts of wild shit. Many are too stupid to know otherwise and give them power. When nothing improves and only gets worse, the lying starts. Many are still too stupid to know better and still give them power.

    When they start whining about it and socialism fails to provide adequate answers the next logical step is to persecute those who whine and complain. Everything is wonderful if no one is complaining you see.

  3. the conservative says:

    Sweden is finished; assuming that report is factually correct, it is definitely a totalitarian state now…..well on its way to the third world. Which is really sad as I used know quite a few Swedish people a few decades ago and they were really nice people.

  4. thor42 says:

    You’re welcome KG.

    I agree with “the Conservative” – Sweden is finished.

  5. mawm says:

    It couldn’t have happened to a nicer country. /sarc

  6. Ronbo says:

    Hard to believe the Swedes once kicked Russian butt in the Great Northern War….Yes, they lost the war in the end, but the Russians lost more troops. :cry:

  7. andy5759 says:

    Mawm, sarcasm may be the answer. Imagine, a Swede wants to protest, would be arraigned if he were to speak against, so instead calls for more immigration, that the government do more to dilute/destroy natural Swedes. That level of sarcasm might be the equivalent of “dumb insolence”, and might do the trick.

    Oh F*ck, I forgot that parody only gives them ideas.

    • KG says:

      :lol: It does, Andy. After all, they have precious few original ideas of their own….

    • mawm says:

      Andy, they interfered in the social order of my country by giving money to marxist scum to plant bombs in pubs and supermarkets. Now that it is in social turmoil and going backwards in every measure of development I do not hear them fighting against the overt corruption and loss of human rights, let alone doing something about all the extra kids that don’t make it to the age of 5, all the extra women dying in childbirth, and those who, on average, will fall short of living their biblical allotment of 3 score and 10 years by more than two decades. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

  8. KG says:

    Damn right, Mawm.

  9. Kathleen says:

    Merry Christmas, Sweden. Your present will really give you comfort to …

    • KG says:

      What bothers me, Kathleen, is that so many idiots still cite Sweden as an example to us all. God help us…

      • john says:

        KG, I think that’s because Sweden was the libprogs’ original wet dream come true.

        • KG says:

          I think you’re right, John. It hasn’t been what they claim it is for a long time now, though.