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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Yeah, Happy Easter.
‘Error 403: Forbidden’
Maybe I need to learn to paste images!!! Here’s someone else’s page with the wanted pic.
Haha, good pic mawm.
I thought Obama had cancelled Easter and Christmas
He would if he thought he could get away with it Ronbo.
Give it time, and he’ll probably have a go…
Best for this very special time of year, my liberty-loving friends.
Before you all tuck into your annual allotment of Easter eggs, I thought you should know how they’re made…
You are now persona-non-grata in rabbit society.
Come on, Wabbit, admit it. You’ve a thing for the chicks!
Oh, ok. But they have to own a rifle and like good scotch.
I was looking for an appropriate Foghorn Leghorn pic, but it seems Mr Leghorn is a gun-free zone!
He is?
‘Athletes warned to approach Easter eggs with caution’
“The eggs are fine,but shouldn’t be substituted for a meal”
So they are okay then as long as you eat them after a 16 oz medium rare Ribeye steak topped with caramelized Onions and Bell peppers along side a loaded baked Potato washed down with an ice cold Newcastle Brown? Got it!
O/T, Oswald has a video clip of a new axe design. Or is it a log splitter?
Looks like it would be hard on the wrists, though.
Sure does. I’ve had log splitters twist in my hands with gnarly wood before and it’s not pleasant after a while.
I got one of these-
$90,but worth every penny.Working with a knee high chopping block in 18″ wood it throws the wood far enough that I can split a quarter cord before I have to stop and stack.
Brilliant! Remind me not be standing nearby when you’re splitting wood.
Tom Clark-motorcross champion,motorcycle salesman,blacksmith and woodcutter.
‘Nine die over Easter on Aussie roads ‘
At a (very) rough calculation, that makes NZ roads twice as dangerous as Australia’s.
I’ll re-calculate it when I’ve had fewer beers.
Maybe the nine dead are Yank tourists who insist on driving on the right hand side of the road
I know this is a big problem in Orlando, Florida where British tourists try to drive on the Left side of the road…only to meet a large produce truck head on with fatal results.
In fact things got so bad at the airport with head on accidents caused by British tourists, the rental cars have a big yellow warning sign on the dashboard saying, “DRIVE ON THE RIGHT.”
When in Rome, do as the Romans, say I