Another example of corruption in NZ? Not that they’re worse than anywhere else, but it’d be nice if they’d stop posing as a corruption-free country.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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From a reader of Zero Hedge which I felt was quite thought provoking:
“Honestly, what is the world coming to. I’m not necessarily scared at what the Russians are going to do, frankly, like him or not, Putin is very competent. Its my own f*&king country that I’m most scared of and their friends in “the west”. Why? Because they’re incompetent bozos and we’re not dealing with easy targets such as a mountain man Jihadist armed with a 100 year old bolt action English rifle (oh and who ended up winning in that fight? Just saying). Um no. This next FACT should scare everyone one of you! There are ICBMs here, for the love of God, people! ICBMs and millions of megatons. What if Russia decided to intervene in, say, the secession of Texas? Do you think we’d end up using nukes? K, this this same thing with the Ukraine! I don’t care about “appeasement” or evoking nevile Chamberlin…we (the west) voted barry in twice, so, we made our own bed and have ourselves to blame. When Chamberlin was at large the world didn’t have thousands of thermonuclear weapons on a hair trigger. Mind you that the Topol M is the latest generation of Russian ICBM with stealth capability, so, nice try with the whole missile shield. I’m sorry, the risks are way too high here…what, be a good neocon and look all tough and then what? Nuclear winter for the next couple hundred years? Yeah, the west and america needs to BACK OFF. Hell, presuming there are people left (which is a big presumption) to record history, even then, they’ll blame the stupid americans mostly due to rash incompetence. Hey, at least we’ll make Satan laugh.
“…it’d be nice if they’d stop posing as a corruption-free country.”
I agree KG.
Anyway – the latest news from the Fascist State of the UK is that Paul Weston (leader of the anti-Islam Liberty GB party) has been arrested for reading an anti-Islam quote by Winston Churchill.
More on the arrest here –
Mom opens fire in Detroit to defend children from home invaders-
McMorris Rodgers-RINO Sellout
Excellent forum: Free Republic.
Keep up on the latest patriot American thinking:
‘President Obama taking VA neglect claims ‘very seriously’…’ (Fox news)
Is there a video to blame it on?
Rough night last night,17 dead in Arkansas many injured in Mississippi during Tornado outbreak-
Another set is moving through,watches and warnings in place from Jackson,Ms to Nashville,Tenn tonight.
Thinking about you guys, Darin. Stay safe.
Oh boy,I bet Obama is getting ideas now-