If anybody wants one, drop me an email with your addy and I’ll send it off.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Dunno why it looks grey in that pic–the background is white.
I want one!
Do you still have my US CA address?
If not-where do I find your e address to give you my address?
I’ll mail you, Carol.
That sort of thing is getting quite affordable and easy to get. I used an outfit Vistaprint to do a batch of MIT business cards- $18 for 500 and the quality is excellent.
They do stickers, stationary, coffee mugs, pens and all sorts of promo itms- you put the design together on line.
I wish I’d known that, Oswald. These things cost me $125 for 25!
I got stung.
If that is a bumper sticker, they are a lot more more expensive than cards- that price is about right for a smallish run.
They’re just small (120×35) vinyl stickers, Os.
The vinyl ones on the site I use start at $6.99.
It’s the vinyl that costs.
Something interesting for you:
New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time
Black Holes and the Big Bang have been created by theorists and never observed.
Atoms turn out to be 99.99999999% empty space so most of your coffee is empty space.
Richard Fernandez on Obama:
‘…He represented the triumph of a moral nihilism, a world in which the transgender family that made yearly pilgrimages to the abortion clinic was official piety. Obama symbolized the triumph of style over reality, where nothing mattered except whether you could sell a lie to gain a permanent majority. And for that the West threw aside its founding principles, discarded its ancient moral codes and embraced the Moment. Now the Moment is biting back…’
Atoms turn out to be 99.99999999% empty space so most of Obama is empty space.

Stickers are pricey,the local Teaparty found out they could get 100% cotton silk screened T-shirts for the same money as bumper stickers
@KG: I want one
You still have my address
Yet another excellent article on the coming insurrection:
I’ll look for it Ronbo. I’m hopeless at keeping addresses.
Shucks, I worked at a digital printing palace until a couple of years ago. Could’ve done that for no more than a free, unedited thousand word rant. Any hoo, they sometimes call me in for a bit of freelance. Oi be in touch.
Andy, you’re welcome to a free, unedited thousand word rant any time, no return favour necessary.
Just let me know.
This email addy is secure and temporary, if anybody wishes to mail me their snail addy.
me.echidnadigger-at-mt2014 (replace -at- with @)
Please send me two if you can.
Sure will.
Definately keen on that
Is it a reply to the popcorn smiley code email I got

Or if you need an excuse to go to Townsville in a few months, see you at the V8s