‘Paul Weston of Liberty GB arrested in the UK for quoting Winston Churchill about Islam’ source (thanks to thor42)
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Meanwhile, how terribly sad……not.
Sorry to come in so late and at the top, Wabbit, but I have been on the road and only just got to this. These things may help you figure out what is actually happening over here:
I know Paul and several of his colleagues quite well. They have the benefit of much experience and good advice in such matters and they know what they are doing. This is merely another case of the Pavlovian brained Thought Police reacting in the only way their puerile minds permit in such circumstances, and it is as much public harassment in order to pacify the ravening horde of head bangers as it is, I would suspect, a serious intent to obtain a conviction, for before such can be obtained it will have to go to trial, in public, if go to trial it does at all.
This is just another tactic used to intimidate, demonise us and neutralise us and is now our lot in what was once the land of the free, a land now becoming little more than another satrapy of the Imamate. Thus this is how we now live and must sustain and it will remain so until the order of things is changed.
P.S. The daily mail just ran the lot:
I wonder if they are going to join him in the Star Chamber? I think this one is going to run quite well

Green Britain
could be this http://youtu.be/FS5CH-Xc0co or this http://youtu.be/rFzEvcaD3LQ or a combination.
Churchill fought for three things between 1900 and 1940. One, keep the family of Saud, with their Wahhabi poison, from taking over Arabia. Two, support the White Revolution in Russia to keep the commies from taking over. Three, attack Hitler in the mid 1930’s to stop the growth of the Nazi war machine. He was the most prescient man, the greatest leader, of the 20th century, bar none.
This also brings up a point you made in a post below, KG. The lefties of today argue that doing anything, even criticism, will only inflame the mussies. It is a replay of the left’s argument against doing virtually anything in the War on Terror because it brought the radicals out of the woodwork. These people, besides being dhimmi pussies, are nuts.
He was the most prescient man, the greatest leader, of the 20th century, bar none.
He also had a wonderful way with words.
And was a very fine historian.
Not to mention his epicurean tastes in cognac and cigars!
Churchill was a great man. It some ways it is like their slandering his name by arresting someone for quoting him.
He’s certainly on the socialist Hate List, Kathleen. Which is confirmation enough that what he said is true.
To an American this is beyond outrage
– First of the all the man has the God given right to say what he pleases when he pleases and where he pleases – as long as he’s not making threats
…and for the police to arrest him for the exercise of freedom of speech is TREASON on the part the policemen, who are the ones needing arrest and trial along with their superiors.
“Hate speech” covers all.
Churchill would be arrested and charged today.
He would. The perfect illustration of the shameful downhill slide of Britain.
I agree with the sentiments re Churchill. I regard his choice of delivering his “Iron Curtain” speech in Truman’s home state was exquisite.
The upside to the situation in Britain in regards to Freedom of Speech is that under a Parliamentary system the majority party is in effect a dictator that could reverse any and all socialist edicts in one fell swoop.
I would hope if the UKIP becomes the majority they will “Stick It To” the traitor Left in Britain.
What’s good for the goose for the gander, so let them rot in jail for redefined “hate speech” that would include anyone saying anything negative about The Freedom Of Speech and Sir Winston Churchill.
This reminds me of the poor bloke arrested and charged over sending a slightly non-kosher food parcel to a mosque in Wellington.
(OK, it was a rasher of bacon, but so what? No one lost an eye.)
Someone was arrested for that? I wonder what would happen to me if I admitted smothering the doors with bacon-grease!
In 19th century Greymouth it was a habit of the RC’s to tether a goat outside the Mason’s Temple to provide those inside with ready release.
This is fairly typical of the modern version of liberty. As it progresses, watch as the left scrubs the history of the U.K. and washes away the words that they no longer have the stomach to speak. By turning over the internet to the international community, Obama has set the stage for dissent to be silenced globally. Each step is yet another progression toward tyranny. That which the West fought and died to preserve in WWII is being taken apart brick by brick in the name of multiculturalism and diversity.
One wonders what the heroes of the Battle of Britain would think of their government today? I have a CD of Churchill’s speeches. He speaks of arming the citizens, he speaks of an iron will, and he speaks of opposing evil. Today he would be arrested for hate speech. Isn’t it interesting how the heroes of yesteryear are the villains of today?
“..By turning over the internet to the international community, Obama has set the stage for dissent to be silenced globally…”
And isn’t it simply amazing how little outrage there’s been over that?
The MSM must be cheering behind closed doors. They can’t wait for the right of free speech to be solely in their hands again. No more being found out selectively editing other peoples free speech, etc.
Then there is this:-
“NBA Suspends Clippers’ Owner Donald Sterling For Life, Imposes $2.5 Million Fine”
Sterling has a mulutto tart, who is with him for one thing only, who recorded a private conversation where he tells her he doesn’t like her hanging out with blacks at the game. This has created a furore of manufactured proportions.
Unfortunately he does have “form” in not wanting to rent his apartments to blacks and has been to court a number of times over alleged racist behaviour. The press and NBA are going to milk this to the Nth degree.
This is allegedly what he said:-
• “It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?”
• “You can sleep with them. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
• “I’m just saying, in your lousy [expletive] Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people.”
• “Don’t put him [Magic Johnson] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games.”
The tart has probably found someone else to pay for her extravagant life style. One has to feel a bit sorry for Magic Johnson.
“Racism” is the new heresy. If the bastards could get away with burning PC heretics at the stake they wouldn’t hesitate.
The idea of civilized dialog with these people is a joke–they’re the enemy and all they deserve is a bullet.
And the left control the definition of ‘racism’……anything said about a black person that might ever be considered as derogatory, demeaning….or the truth, by anyone who is white.
From Albert Schweitzer’s “My African Notebook” –
“I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There
is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and
know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the
intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally
with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life
to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but
I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and
they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as
their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will
destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who
would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this
status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would
help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as
your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
There is some dispute about whether he wrote the above but there are other writings by him in a similar vein.
“Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching diamonds beneath his bare black feet.
Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, a cart, or sled.A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail”
Charles Darwin.