‘Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims who can only eat halal meat’
Gutless bastards.
Strange, isn’t it, how Jewish people don’t demand that fast food be kosher? They seem to manage just fine. But then, they’re not uncivilized invaders…

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15 Responses to BOYCOTT SUBWAY!

  1. Ronbo says:


    Muzbot lovers DISGUST me.

    The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. :evil:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Another one removed from the list. FFS, pretty soon I’ll go to the supermarket and come out with an empty trolley. The only things I’ll be able to eat are things I can buy from a Farmer’s Market! And there’s precious few of those around here, I can tell you.

    • KG says:

      But of course, most people will simply shrug and keep buying the product. They end up eating halal food and will be unaware of it after a while.
      That’s how a country becomes islamised. :evil:

  3. mawm says:

    Subway food is crap anyway so I don’t buy from them. Maybe now I’ll be going in and asking for a bacon and ham sub…… :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: I don’t mind their food, it’s handy when we’re on the road. But damned if I’ll ever buy it again.

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: May we suppose that the majority of Subway’s bizness in the UK is muslim? Are the muslims made to go into Subway? etc. Damn, my meatball hogie is not gonna taste as good now. :roll:

  5. mawm says:

    It all gets worse. :roll:

    – Schools not teaching about the Holocaust for fear of offending muslims
    – Schools reluctant to discuss the Crusades because of contradictory information taught in the mosques
    – Non-muslims required to visit mosques and a demand for islamic teachers to go to all schools in Scotland
    – 85 out of 90 schools in London have implemented a no pork policy
    – and all schools in the UK to teach Hebrew …….. just joking.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    I don’t eat any takeaways ever! I understand that Subway franchises its stores/regions. It may be that Muslims are the most predominant amongst the franchisees? If so, the owners of the company, ie the head franchisors are losing their company incrementally to their franchisees who are re-writing the franchise rules. How sad, never mind.

  7. Darin says:

    I was boycotting Subway before boycotting Subway was cool,horrible stuff.I can dig through the fridge and find mushy Tomatoes,yellow Lettuce and out of date cold cuts and frankly I am shocked to learn the meat they serve actually come from cows and pigs :shock: .

    That said,as westerners we generally don’t throw a fit,burn stuff down and kill people just because somebody offends our faith or ideology,maybe it’s time we start?

    Just for fun,check out Al’s “Rye or the Kaiser” :mrgreen:

  8. George Romero says:

    I never liked that crappy sandwich shop anyway.
    My experience was being served by pushy Indians who looked like they
    wanted to cut your neck from ear to ear , when you wanted ‘THE Bacon”
    they put two pairs of disposable gloves on so their skin was not going to
    contact with the smoked pork , then when paying they would ask if i want a
    cookie , i would reply SIUYA(shuvitupyourarse) :shock:

  9. Oswald bastable says:

    Got questioned about the pork content in luncheon sausage sandwiches when in Corrections. My answer was that there was fuck all meat of any kind in luncheon sausage.

  10. Darin says:

    Where Hotdogs come from :mrgreen: