“The Age of the Dumbass had dawned with a vengeance.”

Col. B. Bunny:
‘…Welfare for foreigners and parasites, Ponzi-scheme retirement systems, a classless society, world government, the end of the nation state and national borders, the inundation of the white race, the plundering of the productive, multiculturalism, the destruction of the Christian faith, an end to sex differences, the sacramentalization of sodomy, the vagification of the military, world government, and the worship of primitives, among other things – all mad policies pursued with a vengeance by a political class enamored of the powers conferred by the lawless, centralized, tax-glutted, propaganda-soaked state….’

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4 Responses to “The Age of the Dumbass had dawned with a vengeance.”

  1. Ronbo says:

    Revolution anyone :?:

    The time has come again for Madame Gullotine and a Reign of Terror against Leftist traitors anywhere in the world – our motto should be “You can run but you can’t hide” from justice :!: http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  2. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OMG!!!Yours very truly must comment that* the above excurbt from above is highly reminiscent of BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound and to forth causeth yvt to recall his glory days in his 48 bedroom 56 bathroom cottage on Martha’s Vineyard that BlackBerry and Diplomatic Pouch now owneth. Oh well fond memories when life was less complex and yvt’s only request was to notify my illegals when the toilet paper became low. But that was indeed then and now is now what it is will only get worse before it gets better if it not be worse than that already. !!!!announcement!!!The NEW Bengazi Lounge will open soon on Level 436 adjacent to the 19th Hole gotta go!!!!

    *and please please do not repeat this please

  3. Col. Bunny says:

    Thanks for the link, Keith. Much appreciated!