This should gladden multiculti hearts:

“Why is nobody looking after my wife?” asks a British Muslim. “Why is nobody looking after my family?”
He asks this while he’s busy killing people in Syria.
via Tim Blair

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6 Responses to This should gladden multiculti hearts:

  1. Ronbo says:

    It is clear that generations of inbred Muslims have produced the most stupid and dangerous people on the planet; however, the Leftist Ruling Class expects us to support and care for our INFERIORS :!:

    • GW says:

      Not quite. What they expect is you to stfu about the Muzzies while they vote for Labour and destroy the entire foundations and values of the host country. Remember, to comment on them realistically is hate speech punishable by the police power of the state.

  2. GW says:

    There is going to be war in Europe, sooner or later – and my vote is on Britain first. The story notes that 400 Brits have gone to Syria where “they spend months training with terrorists and then return to the UK.” The Brits don’t need to just take on the muzzies, they need to make sure to include on the target list the left who created this situation.

  3. KG says:

    ” The Brits don’t need to just take on the muzzies, they need to make sure to include on the target list the left who created this situation…”
    In fact, target the enablers first. Cut off the head, and the body will die…

  4. andy5759 says:

    Can’t someone design a normal yellow smiley with machine gun shooting an aubergine hued smiley? My imagination would fill in the gaps.