to justify appeasing muslims:
‘Man ban at public pool
Under a proposal being worked on by city council staff, men could be excluded from the Gallagher Aquatic Centre during twice-weekly women-only swimming sessions.
…The programme could also be introduced at Waterworld’s hydrotherapy pool if there was sufficient demand, and reflected council’s desire to be “as inclusive as possible”, Bayliss said.
“One group we would like to involve in the proposed sessions would be women who have been displaced from war-torn or developing countries, where they simply have not had the chance to swim safely or even had access to a pool.
“We believe there is a demand, particularly among ethnic communities.”..’
Read the whole thing, then weep at the comments….gutless, uninformed, ignorant brainwashed pc assholes who don’t have the faintest idea what the word “dhimmi” means.
The word “inclusive” as used by the council prick is a sick, lying joke. How can excluding male ratepayers–who paid for the fucking facility–possibly be described as “inclusive”? It doesn’t matter if it’s for one hour a week or twenty, the principle is the same.
A whole lot of Kiwis can’t wait to bend over and take it up the ass from muslims, and while it happens they’ll be patting one another on the back and congratulating themselves on how tolerant and inclusive they are. *spit”
I detest cowardice and apathy dressed as tolerance.
UPDATE: ‘Mystery refugees a secret
The Government claims national security could be at risk if it has to reveal where a “mystery” 150 refugees it has accepted under a secret category came from.’
Yep…the Kiwi taxpayer’s job is to fund them, to shut up and to trust that nice Mr. Key and his U.N. masters. Serfs don’t need to know the details.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Initially this issue wasn’t portrayed as muslim motivated but rather more as a 1980s femi-safety matter. It seems it is a muslim thing so they can get stuffed, along with the mealie mouthed councillors who accommodate this nonsense.
I saw this article too. Sickening.
The *good* news is that there were quite a number of comments that were very critical of this (and those comments were strongly upvoted too).
Much as I can’t stand outfits like the Human Rights Commission, I’ve laid a complaint with them about this (and I’ve encouraged others to do likewise). I should hear back this week as to how it’s going.
I’ve also emailed the council directly and told them why this is such a stupid thing to do (I didn’t use that language but I made myself very clear….).
I’m pretty sure that our H.R. Act bans any restriction of access to public facilities (like pools) on the grounds of gender or religion.
I read as far as “Eighty-one people drowned in New Zealand in 2013, with male fatalities outnumbering female three to one. ” and thought “Leaving a ring around the pool after the african and arab “ladies” get out aint gonna hep fix no man drownins”.
This sort of nonsense is why N.Z can never be fixed. I actually think it reached the tipping point (sane vs un-sane) years ago and only keeps on truckin’ because govt promised to rob farmers harder to pay for the loans for dolies.
O/T: I sent this to a young lady who wants to visit N.Z I told her to take a big tough boyfriend or her dad, too. And to go 4 or 5 star.
(But then I’ve gone back & read the whole thing now)
“This sort of nonsense is why N.Z can never be fixed.”
With all due respect, I beg to differ……
NZ is still some way behind Australia as far as Islamisation goes. We haven’t had the insane flood of boatpeople that the treasonous Labor govt let into Australia.
Being a small country has its disadvantages but it *does* mean that if you can reach (say) 500,000 people then that is quite a large percentage of the population (4.x million). It’s easier to get 4 million people alerted rather than the 20-odd million in Australia. Having said that, the Q Society are IMO doing a very good job and Australia is very lucky to have them.
I am a very frequent contributor to the WhaleOil blog in NZ (which is a right-wing blog and the most **popular blog in NZ by far**) and I take every chance I have to mention the danger of Islam there. I go to other blogs as well and do the same.
Whale Oil is a “right-wing blog”??
Pull the other one. It’s the most popular blog in NZ because it’s filled with knee-jerk crypto leftard know-nothings who would’nt know a conservative principle if it bit them on the ass.
When was the last time the whale put up a post about the dangers of islam in NZ? Or Key handing over large chunks of NZ and taxpayer dollars to maori? Or the utterly unprincipled, anti-democratic apartheid Waitangi Tribunal?
WhaleOil blog in NZ (which is a right-wing blog
Hell yeah. Whale oil, like Lindsay Mitchell, is far-left.
Both of them, like all major NZ political parties, support both Islam and communism.
You are right, KG.
All Key has done is make the lefttardness and the awful part-hori maorification worse. But not a squawk about any of this from whaleoil. Nor about the horrors of islam in white western countries.
“NZ is still some way behind Australia as far as Islamisation goes.”
So far. But it’s a much softer target, given the degree of feminisation and pc indoctrination Kiwis have been subjected to. (and have embraced enthusiastically) .
NZ isn’t far behind Sweden in that respect.
Nauseating the leftist hypocrites who see nothing wrong with this separatist bullshit.
Refreshing to see that a good number of the commenters see this is the thin edge of muslim colonization.
It is refreshing, Oswald. But those voices tend to get either ignored or ridiculed (and slandered) in the MSM, same as they are here on Oz.
The usual tactic is to wait until the outrage dies down and then introduce the measure anyway.
Councils should stick to water, garbage and footpaths.
Ditto for government everywhere on the planet

double DITTO on that!~
“Councils should stick to water, garbage and footpaths”
I disagree,they will just screw that up too.Look to Sandy Springs,Ga for how it should be done.
The problem is unless a politician came out of the business world or had prior training in a given field they know nothing of the nuts and bolts of any practical tasks.Most are lawyers or local political hacks and have no clue what is involved in paving roads,building buildings or designing infrastructure,They also have no clue about even basic accounting,fiscal responsibility or many times even balancing their own personal check books.
Putting this type person in charge of these things would be like handing over control of a spaceship to a chimp.It’s going to end in disaster sooner or later.
I too read the article and saw “the agenda”. My only curiosity at the time was how Hamilton’s council “media communications” wankers would spin the turd.
This is a classic case of unelected but self-referenced apparatchiks with shiny trouser seats “deciding” what’s best for the unannointed: who pay their generous salaries…and the cost of public (repeat, public) facilities. Hint: if your primitive belief system says you don’t expose your body in public, then foregoing the queasy joys of swimming in other people’s urine and body oils is a modest (and welcome) sacrifice you’ll happily make.
And if someone doesn’t know how to swim. Well, that’s their life-choice, right? So let’s see the HRC uphold that option too shall we.
Finally, Whaleoil is a sleazebag. He dropped off my reading list when his hypocritical behavior over extra-marital affairs was in his expression “disinfected with sunlight”. Simply put, he can’t be trusted.
Whaleoil is a populist. As with all populists he will offend somebody from time to time; even you. I read it everyday as I find the NZ msm too left, too precious and fatuous to warrant being taken seriously. It may be that it is a bitter indictment of the NZ msm that Whaleoil is very popular, but based on many and diverse experiences I place my trust with him ahead of anything else available in NZ. If he breaches your sensitivities and taste that is unfortunate but don’t impose a blanket opinion that he cannot be trusted. I warrant that those who tip Whaleoil and those who contribute (myself included) are genuine and sincere in placing transparent items in his threads. Why not give it another go?
“As with all populists he will offend somebody from time to time; even you. ”
He doesn’t offend me in the slightest–he’s not significant enough for that. He simply disgusts me.
” If he breaches your sensitivities and taste that is unfortunate but don’t impose a blanket opinion that he cannot be trusted. ”
He cannot be trusted. He rails against somebody else’s infidelities, yet he’s guilty of exactly that himself. He pretended to be a fearless free-speech advocate, yet when he ended up in court he whined that he didn’t know that his blog posts constituted “publication”.
He’s a self-promoting asshole in my view.
“Give it another go”? I don’t need to step in shit twice to know it stinks.
Thanks KG for saving me the trouble of responding. You and I are on the same page, on the same line when it comes to scumbag whaleoil.
I suppose I am being churlish to observe that Whale Oil has been anointed the best bog in NZ, not only through traffic but on the value of the contents. He must have hit a deep vein given the envy-ridden shit emanating from the hysterical Left in response. Isn’t it great to be above ad-hominem attacks in our world?
hmmm. Whaleoil is given an award (which, judging from the candy he’s vomiting up all over social media, he’s loving and been lusting for, for some time) by members of an organisation he claims to oppose and despise (but emulates and desperately tried to join with his disastrous tenure at Truth) and it’s meant to mean something?
His blog has thousands of page-hits per month and an army of sycophantic suck-holes slobbering desperately for the publication of his latest brain-fart. For the most part, they’re barely if at-all any more informed, intelligent or thinking than the thousands more who get their “news” and “information” from the TV3, TVNZ or NZHerald Facebook pages.
He refuses to entertain any word of criticism of his pay-master Key, or to publish a single word in opposition to the maorification of our nation by the most corrupt Attorney-General we’ve ever had. When I pointed this out to him, he threw a tantrum so loud, Paul Allen would have been impressed. His head fair-near exploded when I said Finlayson is more a terrorist than Tame Iti could ever hope to be in his wildest wet dreams.
He is a partisan hack, nothing more. And what’s more, he’s not even a member of the conservative (small ‘c’) brand of the National Party, he’s a Nick-Smith-blowing member of the far-left brand.
Here’s a word association game for you:
Whaleoil is to the National Party what The Standard is to Labour.
Whaleoil is to the National Party what Finlayson is to the corporate IWI.
Whaleoil is to the National Party what Obama is to the muslim brotherhood.
Nothing more, nothing less.
A question that not enough of us are asking is . We are all born on this planet right . Why the fuck are we so keen to ask permission, and pay political parasites to stay here ? Until we collectively wake the fuck up, we will continue to get what we deserve , it seems to me . Just saying
I agree with you, Steve.
So we are taking in refugees that might be a security risk to New Zealand. Why is our government deliberately putting us at risk and without our consent? John Key couldn’t give a f**k about the NZ electorate. It’s time to vote for labour.
(and wash ones hands repeatedly there after).
I wonder what all the Key apologists have to say about this – Adolf?
All you will get is silence from them, Mawm. Adolf still hasn’t admitted he was wrong when he claimed that Key hadn’t introduced real reforms in his first term in order to “avoid frightening the horses”. Or why Key ignored the very clear results of the smacking referendum.
They’re cheerleaders, not conservatives.
Problem is, a vote for Labour is a vote for the insane Greens.
The problem is that there is no party worth voting for. Labour/greens/mana/winston will destroy what little bit of conservatism, and freedom, is left in NZ. Craig is a disappointment and ACT shot themselves in the foot with Banks’ supporting gay marriage and his electoral finance dishonesty.
The time for making a move to Oz is getting closer. Only problems are jobs, healthcare in our dotage, and super. But it will be a balance between the costs in Oz and liveability in NZ.
Well, the jobs. healthcare and super may be fixable, Mawm.
And there’s a huge number of choices when it comes to places to live in Oz. As many lifestyles to choose from as you might want.
As for costs–Australia is no more expensive than NZ, outside the capital cities and in many instances far cheaper.
Let’s not be confused about Whaleoil’s role. Cameron Slater is National and his family is National. Worse than that, he represents the Progressive faction of the National party. Headed by John Key, this faction has taken the Nats as far left as they have ever been in history, and certainly light years from the principles Sid Holland used to found the party back in the late 1930s.
Slater uses the same foul language as the Labour Party. He possesses the same disdain for virtue as the Labour Party. He regards Conservatives with the same degree of contempt as the Labour Party. Like them, he is a Progressive, and the only point of difference with Labour lies somewhere in the economic sector, but even those differences are getting more difficult to discern as every day the Nats under Key move further into Labour territory.
Thanks to the Progressives who control National the party is both philosophically and ideologically lost. It is Slater and his ilk who all share in the responsibility for this decline.
Its now as easy as falling off a log to find yourself in a disagreement with a Nat supporter where they are arguing for socialist values. They are FOR what the Party was FOUNDED TO FIGHT AGAINST. They will defend John Key no matter how far into Progressive/ Socialist/ collectivist territory they have to go to do it.
And if you’re still not convinced of what traitors Slater and his dim witted arse licking gang are to the founding principles of National then go to his blog and argue for those principles. You will find yourself treated no better but probably worse than if you were advancing the same arguments at The Standard or any other extreme left blog.
So don’t try and tell me that Slater is “right wing” or any help to reversing the decline of the West and restoring the fundamental principles that made it successful. As a committed Progressive he’s in the same herd as the rest of the jostling lemmings striving for that final plunge into oblivion. Obsessed with inter party minutiae, he can’t see the big picture and he never will.
Like most Nats, Slater is so damn politically useless he doesn’t even know what a Conservative is. When the party he now controls was founded by Conservatives. He has no idea about strategies like Dialectic Marxism. He has no idea about gradualism/ Fabianism. He knows nothing of the Frankfurt school.
He can’t see the obvious strategy of fracturing us into warring groups so as to weaken us. He has no idea of how strong we were when we were committed to a homogenous civil Christian society recognising the individual as the most important part of that society.
Slater’s blog is daily full of weak inter-party squabbling and trivia. His campaign to bring down the Auckland Mayor was not conducted on ideological grounds, but on manufactured scandal. Because the bottom line is the Nats have no ideological position to fight from. They have surrendered to the Progressives and that’s why they’re the worst National Party govt this country has ever seen.
If Slater gets any credit at all, that’s what he should get it for. The gradual destruction and surrender of the National Party, and its abject failure to halt NZ’s gradual slide into the political sewer of a one party state.
RB – I can’t see myself ever voting for National again unless they change their course……even with the threat of a red/green/brown coalition.
I also don’t visit Slater’s blog as it really is mostly political scandal and character assassinations.
I don’t visit it because
1) its generally pretty boring and a long way from cutting edge like CR.
2) because the sycophancy of the comments section is too nausea inducing and,
3) the so called moderator there, Pete or Petal or whatever he calls himself, is a stinking lying smearing coward. (If anyone knows who he is I’d appreciate the info)
Correct me if I am wrong…wasn’t Cam booted out of the National Party?
He claims proudly to not be a member. But he is clearly ideologically simpatico with the Key programme of liberalisation, and he’s clearly their mouthpiece, whether paid or unpaid.
So what? Is it wrong to be the mouthpiece of a party? The excremental NZ Herald is the mouthpiece of Len Brown yet the msm is strangely silent about that. For all Whale’s faults, and mine, and yours it is evident that the Blog in question not only answers a need but serves a need. Your position on the role of the Blog seems uncharacteristically ad-hominem. Not what I generally encounter here.
We abhor dishonesty, Cad.
“Your position on the role of the Blog seems uncharacteristically ad-hominem. Not what I generally encounter here.”
No, it’s not.
The fact that we’re unanimous in our views concerning the creep doesn’t tell you something?
Well, your dislike of Slater is out of step with many of us who regard his role as relevant and worthy of support. Doesn’t that tell you something? It convinces me that his popularity is neither freakish nor mis-placed. We are never going to agree on this but equally I am never going to plunge to ad-hominem attacks on anyone! (Except perhaps a few lefties and muslims?)
Says it all and far better than I could have. Thanks, Redbaiter.
In respect of the mystery refugees I did wonder if they are Afghan translators or similar that hate the Taliban and have put their lives on the line to fight them along side our soldiers not realising it was all a waste of time until Pakistan got sorted out. When we abandon the mess they would be first to have their heads chopped off.
If that’s who they are, then I have no problem with them. But three points:
It’s unlikely the tiny NZ force employed 150 translators.
Why the secrecy? Most Kiwis wouldn’t object if that’s who they are.
But people are entitled to know who is being given residence in their country, on their dollar.
Yes, we are entitled to know.
We know that the government has agreed to the Afgani translators and their families, so I can’t see them as being the mystery refugees.
Them’s fightin words, yo.
Ah yes….what a real conservative looks like.
Slater does a job; he discredits the Labour/Green cabal and that is fine. But when he fell in behind the hoax of gay marriage I fell out. Same sex people CANNOT marry, they only think they can. History will discredit this brain-fart and Cam will go down as a major tool. National is NOT Conservative but the alternative is even worse.
What Gantt said (May 10, 2014 at 06:30)
Damn right.
To Cadwallader at 17:09:
Well, Mugabe and Adolf Hitler both enjoyed high levels of support.
“…in its reactions the mass psyche greatly resembles the child psyche. One cannot overstate the childishness of the ideas that feed and stir the masses..”
Sebastian Haffner. “Defying Hitler”
Whale’s large following in NZ is an indictment of the current state of political awareness in NZ, not a validation of him or his opinions.
I won’t engage in any more discussion about a hypocrite and self-promoting liar.