‘Times of London Meltdown: ‘Fight Ukip. Fight Their Lies. Fight Them Now’
“This is how desperate anti-UKIP critics are getting. It borders on defamatory to suggest that physical violence is implied by a leaflet calling for a reduction in immigration figures….”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Yes, I see Radio Live’s political editor Jessica Williams ( @mizjwilliams )
retweeting a message yesterday implying the UKIP were “blackshirts”.
How can we ever expect any politically objective reporting from someone whose perspective is so limited?
This is the political class fighting to maintain their establishment status quo, and the mainstream media is just their provisional wing.
“..the mainstream media is just their provisional wing.”
Damn right it is–and most sheeple are too uninformed to see that.
Haha, you lost me at Radio live…
I do love the way the media pretend to be balanced though. I suppose if the labour party outlook was the centre of the political spectrum, they could claim that, but not for this kid.
I listen to National radio, on the basis that, if I’m gonna listen to leftist morons, I might as well listen to morons without ads…
The more UKIP gets whipped on these days, the more they get the attention of the rank and file. They are the most popular party in Britain today. http://niklowe.blogspot.com/2014/04/shot-themselves-in-foot.html
Good blog, that, GW.
Let’s assume for argument that the UKIP are racists, nazis and all the rest of it. It never ceases to amaze me how the so-called political class refuses to acknowledge the reason for their existence.
Year after year they dish out the same shit, pissing on decent ordinary people and treating them like crap and then when these very people turn to others who actually listen and share their concerns the aforementioned assholes are shocked, shocked!
Once again i say to the mainstream parties, start listening and addressing the concerns of the law abiding and decent people who trusted you, show some remorse and you’ll stay in power. Otherwise they’ll go elsewhere and your ass will be hauled out of power.
‘Conservative Nationalism vs. Liberal Multiculturalism: The Revolts of the Masses in Britain and India—And What They Mean for the US’
‘UKIP Election Gives Britons a Taste of Freedom… Will They Want More?’