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Redbaiter’s Mustang
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Mustang? I knew Redbaiter was a man of particular taste and style!
I won’t insult our fearless leader by affixing one to my gay little hairdresser’s car when they arrive!
Probably end up getting it keyed now by someone from the Standard. (or Whaleoil)
Not WhaleOil; he’s too busy carrying water for Williamson and Finlayson to worry about going anywhere near your neck of the woods.
And the tools at The Standard would have to get out of their PJs, go upstairs from the basement and borrow Mummy’s car keys. So I wouldn’t be too worried about them either!
Pretty much right there I reckon Gantt.
I’ll take the risk whatever.
Proud to carry the flag for CR.
“And the tools at The Standard would have to get out of their PJs”
I think you will find onesies are the nightwear of choice over there
Send me one CR and I might stop thinking that men with small willies buy grunty cars.

(and I’m sure RB knows you’re just kidding. Right?)
I wonder if Redbaiter is gonna get one them fancy vanity plates from the NZ DMV?
“Redbaiter” in bold red letters on a white background would do nicely.
Dang-the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car–
otherwise-beautiful car and great shot of the CR ‘flag’ !
waiting for mine to arrive–
I still don’t have you addy, Carol. Try sending it to me.echidnadigger-at-mt2014.com (replace -at- with @)
Nice! I would get one for my truck,but then I’d have to wash some part of it and that’s not gonna happen
Nice car! I’m not so sure that I’d paste a CR sticker on her; you need to keep her classy.
Now if you had an old ute with a gun rack in the cab and a pit bull in the flatbed………… 
One needs to dress the part if you are a
redneckmember of the VFRW.mawm, I’ve found CR is a broad church. I’ve been welcomed, even though I drive a little MG. Mr Contempt is here with his little red Pontiac (still for sale, AFAIK, for $100k Confederate currency).
Hell, I’ve even known the occasional stick-and-rag sailor-boy to comment here!
!!!ASU*!!!BlackBerry has requested via all known forms of electronic communications to ax yvt to verify that there are two US Steaks below the equator those being the 56-57th Steaks populated with questionable US Persons !!!OOPS!!!gotta beep later dudes et dudettes
*ASU – Aw Shut Up Cointempt you Southern Redneck Rebel dog damn. Your problem est U did not go to Harvard Constitutional Law School.
them stick-and-rag guys are so sloooow! They get dizzy at anything over ten knots.

MG’s are fine, even though they never made a real one after the TF.
Oi! I’ll take anything over 4 knots.
The ‘B’ roadster was good until they put on plastic bumpers. I had one for close on 20 years and did a fair bit of mileage. I dropped the engine once for a new clutch …which I lined up with a broomstick.
Other than that all it needed was points, plugs, oil change and filters.
In a Folkboat, I found that five knots in anything less than a gale was about the best I could hope for–that was an estimated five knots and optimism probably played a part as well.
I had a fair few MGs in my younger days (the internal combustion engine had just replaced steam) and not one of them was reliable. A trip to the local burger joint was an adventure in faith and mechanical ability….
(MG Q, SA, TCs, TF’s, Magnette, MGA Twin Cam)
Slow learner, I was…..
Slow…..but with good taste.
That’s what Gecko says.
If anyone wants to know what it’s like to drive an MGB convertible.Simply wait till it’s raining one night,roll down your windows and drive around town with your lights and wipers off while throwing $20 out the window at each intersection.
I don’t know why they bothered putting even a soft-top on mine – it’s clearly just there for decoration, because it’s about as waterproof as tissue paper!
That and anyone with a Penknife can help themselves to anything inside.Though to be fair that is a character flaw in any soft top.
Dunno why they don’t put a Kevlar lining in them.
ummm, because then the lining on the rag-top would be worth more than the rest of the car?
Horrible stuff to work with though..you need ceramic shears to cut it neatly. And I’ve no idea how many cycles to failure when you fold it.
Done CR. I have never seen RB’s willie and in any case, being of the professional persuasion, I would never have laughed out loud or asked about the gruntiness of his car. Sorry RB, love ya really.
Nice car Red.
What would one do if you caught the cur that keys your car.
What they did to Gaddafi and such comes to mind, we have to be multi-culti and all you know.
The coolest of cars wears an appropriate sticker. For about 2secs I felt “unworthy”, but mines goin’ on the front windscreen [I always park the ‘coon for a quick getaway]~