‘POLICE had to call in reinforcements after a group of hardline Muslims gathered at a Sydney police station clamouring for the release of a woman later charged with supporting terrorism.
The mother-of-four was arrested as she allegedly tried to board a flight in Sydney carrying cash and equipment — believed to include camouflage gear — for her husband fighting in Syria…
Three search warrants were also executed — two in Sydney and one in Brisbane.
Hardline supporters arrived at the police station after news of the woman’s arrest was posted on social media, with police forced to call for back-up to deal with them…’
Why are we importing these bastards?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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What’s the bet they’re all on centrelink benefits, most likely disability pensions, even the one murdering and raping over in syria.
You bet they are. How does it feel having your taxes supporting scum such as these, Mathew?
Silly question–I know how you feel about it. You and a few million others.
“Silly question–I know how you feel about it. You and a few million others.”
I think a lot more than a few million others; I think many people have no time for them–much more than we think–but are too afraid to say anything, and not necessarily afraid of Muslims but rather afraid of other progressives; they are afraid of being alienated from the group-think mob.
Yes indeed. An awful lot of people aren’t even tribal–they’re herd animals.
I’d rather belong to a pack than a bloody herd.
I’ve done some small meditating on this phenomenom. Musings from “Why are all these white blokes pumping weights and wearing tribal tatts?” to “What sort of ratio (if any re: dark aggressors-Melb bus etc) for one bloke to say “Enough!” and start sorting it out, before bystanders assist”.
Also, in my old formerly safe-as-houses hometown white kids have banded together as the horis (usually)attack in packs.
An idea floating around the ‘net is: Once one (formerly) white country collectively [excuse-me;)] says “Enough!” and kicks them out others will too.
I thought it would be the Greeks -Golden Dawn. But they’ve all been imprisoned so Greece can keep getting loans.
The French could be the ones that get the ball rolling… they have a history of lopping heads off of tyrants and the unwanted, and this Generation Identitaire mob seem keen.
Aussie had Cronulla, I just don’t know how far along the evil pricks are with the Displacement above Replacement = GENOCIDE

This is what I’ve said for some time as well – When one Western country rises against the Left and the Muzbots, the others will follow.
I call it: “The Domino Effect”
Read this, then read the comments.
Half the commenters don’t get it at all and the ones that know the answer just can’t bring themselves to say the word ‘Muslim’ .
Britain is stuffed.
The comments are a working class whinge!
Working for low wages or for a benefit is NOT slavery. You are in that position because you are too dim or too lazy to get trained for something better.