This what real science looks like, warmies.

‘Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity May Not Exist’

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10 Responses to This what real science looks like, warmies.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    The phrase that caught my eye was that he conducted his experiments with a rigor seldom used in nutritional studies. The lack of rigor in the past is what gave us the war on butter, eggs and any number of other foods that are better for proper nutrition than what was developed to replace them. What’s betting the Left dismisses this research because it reduces their power to control people’s lives through laws and regulations under the guise of ‘what is best for you’?

    • KG says:

      You may bet on it, Michael. Science is as much a political tool nowadays as it was in Nazi Germany and the USSR.

  2. k2 says:

    Michael Crichton, in one of his lectures criticizing the warmists suggested that all climate research should be done using the same “double blind” techniques that are employed in drug testing. Personally, I’d like to see some double blind testing on the effect of directed grant money on research scientists.

  3. pascal says:

    The clock is running to see how quickly Gluten denier charges are leveled at Professor Gibson for study results that “are not helpful.” Recant or the stake!

    • KG says:

      He doesn’t strike me as the recanting type, Pascal. I have a hunch that one of the reasons for such rigorous methodology was to head off the zealots and vested interests at the pass, so to speak,

  4. nominto says:

    I always have had a laugh at current “public” folllowing of the latest “trendy” science..
    Had a lunching lemming nodding agreeingly at a newspaper article about sugar taxes…
    so I asked …”well ; so you think that sugary foods should be heavily taxed?” – the answer a resounding “oh hell yes”
    ..I smiled and then asked “well; so you think that fatty foods should be taxed?”- again a resounding “yes” and they added “that these should be outright banned”.
    so I then asked “what about food that contain drugs?”…- they aghastly replied “yes” and “that the people making those should be jailed or better; just executed”.

    What wasn’t surprising to me is that this idiot had no idea what I was angling at know no sense of why I was asking these questions…so I had to TELL them..
    “well that means that you won’t be consuming that tea and chocolate anymore”.
    ..the look on their face – priceless.

  5. Findalis says:

    If you wish to be gluten free you have a right, but you don’t have a right to demand everyone else be as many are now doing.

  6. Darin says:

    This reminds me of the lunatic left’s war on vaccines.There are bunch of celebrities,Jenny McCarthy is one,who have been on a nonsense driven crusade against childhood vaccinations.

    Now we have a Measles outbreak which is the worst in 30 years,several reported cases of Polio and Whopping cough is gaining ground again too.Frankly if any of these women’s kids contract any of these diseases we eradicated in the last 70 years they should be jailed for child abuse IMO. :evil:

    Ironically,or in their case Moronically all of that nonsense is based on several deeply flawed and thoroughly debunked “studies” that linked vaccines with autism.Apparently the saying “stupidity begets stupidity” is very much true.