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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Australian Climate Modeling
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If you want to see the warmist climate posse back off in a hurry, just insist that instead of every solution to the proposed problem involving more socialism and lower standards of living, that policies advocated by conservatives be implemented instead. Say, go full on nuclear by 2025 and cut down old growth forests to stimulate carbon reducing new growth – while also providing super cheap wood for building and economic stimulation. Make political contributions from alternative energy corporations illegal and take away the non profit status of eco-fascist agitation groups. I can feel the oceans receding and the planet cooling already.
And this is news how?
*snicker* The UQ has threatened Brandon Sholleberger, the guy who has the data, that they will sue him if he shows the threatening letter to anyone. Grab the popcorn this is gonna get interesting…..
UQ are full of it, Michael, if the excerpts from that letter are anything to go by.
But Brandon S is bloody irritating too, dithering and whining about what seems to be a largely imaginary threat. Or possible threat. Or maybe no threat . Or….
FFS!…..there are plenty of ways to get the material into the public domain and keep his ass covered.
Climate models are totally inaccurate. The climate/weather is too complex a system to be modeled. However, we know this isn’t about accurate climate predictions anyway – it’s about the power politics of Progressivism
what tools these fako climatologists are!
God bless you my friend:)
Bless you too, Angel. How’s the ..um..climate where you are right now? Still freezing?