The irony is delicious.

‘California university, students revolt against failing cafe named for Che Guevara’

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6 Responses to The irony is delicious.

  1. Darin says:

    “money pit continually plagued by safety issues” So like Cuba then?

    The one comment from Obamacokehead is a real riot-

    ” I get a nice chuckle every time some poster makes a crack about republicans being the party of old white folks and then the news organizations throw a picture of the liberal lead in the Senate and it’s a 1000 year old white guy named Reid and they throw a picture of the liberal lead in the house and it’s apparently his mother (Pelosi) and then they have another 1000 year old white guy named Kerry tottering around the world trying to remember where he parked his Desoto while he tells everyone that the real solution to all the issues in the mid-east is to bring the country in to negotiate that is racing like the wind to develop a nuclear weapon so they can destroy their enemies without having to talk and to top it off the leading liberal candidate for the 2016 Presidential nomination is another pale old gal from the same epoch as the other three…”

  2. john says:

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to hang out in a dump named for a long and deservedly dead commie psychopath?
    Well done the Bolivian Army, I say. :cool:

  3. Ronbo says:

    I don’t have anyway to prove it, but I’ll wager a goodly number of American college students – perhaps a majority – has had it with collectivism being shoved down their throats by their professors.

    I remember in the 1960s many of my friends who went to college were”turned off” by those professors who were “old fashioned” i.e., being opposed to the “New Left” on campus, for the war in Vietnam and pro-capitalist/pro-American. Of course, in those long ago days these “reactionaries” were in the majority of college teaching positions.

    So what I’m saying is that if you’re a typical young person in your late teens and early 20s – turning against those in authority is natural – and since the oppressive PC and anti-freedom crowd pretty much rules the roost on the campus, I’d say you have another youth rebellion brewing in the tea pot there.

    • Darin says:

      I’m getting the same vibe.It’s probably happening because so many of these kids are finishing college $100,000 in debt and moving back home with mom and dad because they can’t find a job even flipping burgers.