The Cartoon says it all, the facts spell out the rage-
We in America could try and pin all the scandal on just the Obama administration, but in all fairness ALL of our recent administrations have failed our veterans miserably, the current one is simply the latest and the worst.What we have is a tragedy, it is a failing on even the most basic level to fulfill the promises we made to our greatest .
We have inherited a bureaucracy that is so complex, so convoluted in its function that we have become complacent in trusting it to run on autopilot preferring to believe that the machine was functioning as it should. The truth of the matter is that it wasn’t and hasn’t been for a long time.
We should have seen the signs, the toxic mold scandal at Walter Reed hospital.The way Tombstones were thrown in a pile like discarded cobbles at Arlington National Cemetery.The way money was misappropriated to pay for junkets in motels for management staff meetings.The Veterans committing suicide at home because of untreated illness or traumatic experiences they couldn’t forget.We continued though in the false belief that the machine would fix everything given time.We were wrong and we are all guilty, the sin of complacency stains us all.
We owe our Veterans a massive debt, some say it’s a debt we can never repay.I disagree, we can repay them for their service and making healthcare work for them is the down payment.The best way to fix this mess is not to fix it, the machine is simply beyond any hope of repair.What is needed is a complete tear down and rebuild from the ground up.Nothing short of total replacement will do,the job is just too critical. It was said once that trying to change government is like trying to steer an oil tanker with a canoe paddle meaning it is nearly impossible. What we need then are a lot more paddles.
I would ask everyone reading this to please pass this on.If you’re a fellow citizen then call and e-mail your local Senator or Congressman daily, be relentless, chase them to the gates of Hell until they move to action or quit their office.If you can remember to make your morning coffee you can remember to write your morning e-mail and click send.
Even if you are not a US citizen I would ask you still, please help us hound these people into submission, many of you might be speaking a different language or would still be behind the Iron Curtain if these men had not made the sacrifices they did for the cause of human freedom.I would ask all of you to use the power in front of you to help us fight for them and effect change.If we don’t fight for them now, who will fight for us in the future? Taking care of our Veterans is a contract written in blood, their blood and if we forget that we do so at our own peril.
Sincerely, Son of a US Veteran.
Obama transition team was told about 3 audits showing VA misreported wait times
Louisiana VA staff falsified documents
In a Month, TV News Gives Less Airtime to VA Scandal Than Christie Controversy Received in Four Days
Senate Dems in full form-
‘VA whistleblower claims crimes being ignored, covered up at Miami hospital’
Last count we were up to 36 states where whistle blowers have come forward and more are expected.Meanwhile the left is claiming this is another “phony scandal.”
It’s great to see that there are still some good people – *patriots* – out there, Darin.
If the USA Progressive Federal Government really, REALLY wanted to reform the V.A. and save the taxpayer mega bucks, the U.S. Congress could start by chopping its buildings and its worthless bureaucrats to tiny little pieces with meat axes and give each veteran a medical card that entitles them to the same level of medical care given to members of Congress, the Senate, the Executive Branch and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Damn right!
There was word today of a push on to do just that.Several congressmen and senators from both parties were talking about letting Vets use their existing VA cards to get service at the facility of their choice.
It would be good for vets like my father,as it is in case of emergency he can go to the nearest ER,but gets stuck for 20% the VA doesn’t pay,as a result I have made several middle of the night flying trips 75 miles away to the nearest VA emergency room.