A generation of whiners

‘AUSTRALIA’S can-do ­national character is under threat from an emerging culture of grumbling and expectation.
Social demographers say they are watching a “culture of expectation” bloom – drowning out the values of mainstream Australians – even though the population is healthier and wealthier than ever before.
…On average, Australian families will pay $12,935 in income tax this year, but receive $9,515 in benefits – leaving a net yearly contribution to the public purse of just $3424.
..Demographer Mark McCrindle said the change in culture was most prominent in Gen Y – the most financially endowed generation in the nation’s history.
“Their parents have been the most financially generous to their children,” Mr McCrindle said.
“Yet many of the younger generation expect to start their working life in the manner in which they have seen their parents finish their working life.”..’

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10 Responses to A generation of whiners

  1. Kirly says:

    the same poison in America has seeped into Australia.

    we must take our countries and our common culture back.

  2. Mathew says:

    Just look at the mass hysteria consuming the nation because we’ll have to pay $70 a year to see the doctor. For far too many of us, it’s like an alien concept, paying for something, f***ing hell, it’s never been done before, never in the history of the universe. Oh my God in heaven, paying the equivalent of a coffee and slice of toast for the services of someone who busted their hump for 6 or 7 years, the outrage!

    What pisses me off is that so many of these prats have money for fancy cell phones and designer sneakers, oh but pay for someone to look after your health, hell no!

    Mostly this reaction is thanks to the scumbags in labor, the greens and the media, they’re gleefully sacrificing the future of the nation to whip up hatred of Conservatives. Instead of thanking the adults for finally trying to put the house in order, as if the likes of Abbott and Hockey want to be hated and loathed, these c****ts are doing their best to destroy the very people trying to save their worthless asses.

    A generation of useless, good for nothing, violent parasites is what’s in the future.

  3. Murray says:

    Same thing is happening in NZ.

  4. Darin says:

    I came home from work today and soon as I walked in the door I heard my Dad talking loud-“Wow,look at him go!Unreal they can do that!

    Went into the TV room to see what was up and there he was my Dad (76) on his cell phone talking to my uncle (81) in Ohio.Both of them were watching the same show on Wing suit flying and skydiving and enjoying the hell out of it :lol:

    Looking back I can remember a time when we had no AC and just four channels on the TV and three of those were 24/7 blizzards.We had to get up off our butts to change the channel which also meant turning the Antenna.Now we have 120 channels on the TV,remote controls,DVR players and two way voice over air communication anytime night or day and it’s nearly always crystal clear and goes wherever we do.

    We live in an age of absolute technological miracles and today’s kids bitch and whine if a webpage takes more than a 1/2 second load. :evil:

    I think this condition may explain why we have an up tick in narcissistic little shits like these running around :evil:


  5. KG says:

    “We live in an age of absolute technological miracles and today’s kids bitch and whine if a webpage takes more than a 1/2 second load.”
    Yep. I’d feel sorry for them, not being able to appreciate all that stuff, except that they’re often such whiny little bastards, I’d rather kick their butts.

  6. dondiego says:

    Things will- no, must get worse, sooner or later. And the youth of this country are going to feel it. I was looking at evidence of Mathew’s comment on facebook (friend of a friend -young chickie). It’s gunna hurt.

    I think it was this site http://whitegenocideproject.com/category/news/news-for-australia/ where I read ONE QUARTER of the people in Australia were born overseas :!:
    Yes, I am one of them. However I’m dedicated to bettering my own life, and this country.

    Don’t know about the muzzies at work though.

  7. KG says:

    “Don’t know about the muzzies at work though.”
    Allow me to hazard a guess….. :evil: