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I though your were talking about the UK elevation results. – labour & LibDrms getting hammered, yours holding their own, massive swing to UKIP especially in the Notth – and a clear mandate for a Tory- UKIP win I. The general election, on a platform of getting out if Eurooe, ending immigration, repatriation, and best of all ending welfare and finally wiping out the NHS.
WHile here in NZ it’s only Radio NZ that for some reason is going against the grain and pointing out that Key is a communist!
I’d love to see the Tories get hammered too, Andrew. Sometimes I think Key modelled himself on Cameron.
Interesting that it is right hand drive, with the shifter to right of the driver.
So it is! I never noticed that. I’d rather have the tin-top version, for my money (or lack of it) it looks better.
Any GT40 is better than no GT40 as far as I am concerned
Heck,I would settle for a stripped out hull jacked up on cinder blocks
Another time capsule has turned up-
They keep turning up, don’t they? You’d think they’d all have been discovered by now.
It amazes me how much stuff is still out there.I remember a couple Brits on an antique car forum saying how pretty much everything with wheels in the UK has been found,dragged out the barn and restored.
Luckily the US is a bit bigger and has more stuff to find.
I suspect there’s still a fair bit left to be found here in outback Australia too, Darin.