‘Financial Times Outlines Problems with Piketty’s Inequality Data
Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” has been widely praised by the left for its conclusion that capitalism is driving wealth inequality to levels not seen in over 100 years.
Financial Times did some checking on the underlying data which French economist Thomas Piketty used to under-gird his bestselling book. What FT found was a series of errors and unexplained data selections which, taken together, seem to undercut Piketty’s main thesis….’
Wait for the usual “fake but true” defence from leftards….5..4…3…2…
Marxists cannot cope with the real world. Marx shut himself up in the Royal Library of London to concoct his politico-economic fantasies, so he wouldn’t be disturbed by contact with real-world people or real-world data. Thus also with Piketty, who has proved to be quite as detached from logic and evidence as his 19th century predecessor.
Facts for leftists seem to be as garlic is to a vampire, Francis. They deal in emotional gratification and facts are merely something to be twisted or ignored in the service of their cause.
For my part, since they have almost total control of the levers of indoctrination and propaganda, the only course remaining is to regard them as the enemy and treat them accordingly.
agreed KG
It’s all just smoke and mirrors commienomics a reasonably well educated child can see through it.Unfortunately many of our government central banks are ran by diaper wearing Lord of the Flies rein-actors.