Delingpole on UKIP:

‘…What are these election results are, above all, is a massive two fingers flicked by the people of Europe against the political masters who – if there were any justice – should be their political servants.’        HERE

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6 Responses to Delingpole on UKIP:

  1. Ronbo says:

    It’s called REVOLUTION :!:

    Revolution can be peaceful and lawful, or it can be bloody civil war.

    NEVERTHELESS, regime change is in the air.

    The formerly sleeping giant has both eyes open now and he’s not a happy camper.

    The people of Britain – like America and rest of the Anglosphere – have had with Collectivist regimes who will not listen to the 90% who are not members of their respective oligarchies.

    I have long said that when revolution broke out in any Anglosphere country it would spread like wild fire to the rest, as I think happened when Australia started the revolutionary ball rolling with the liberal victory in their last election.

    The Australian and UKIP electoral victories cannot but help to inspire the patriots in other parts of the former British Empire.

  2. Mathew says:

    Europe has gotten to the stage where fingers and voting this way and that isn’t going to make any difference. The political and elite class control everything and the only thing they understand is when some free dental work is handed out.

    It’s like those pro-nazis in Greece who’re gaining popularity, i doubt it’s because the Greeks have some yearning to hate on non-existent Jews in their country or something, rather because some of the more insolent lefties and unwelcome migrants are getting their teeth kicked out.

    It’s like i’ve always said, if you won’t listen to the concerns and wishes of decent, ordinary people and just keep taking from them and pissing on them, one day you’ll find a fork in your ass and a knuckle sandwich coming quickly after that.

    That’s the only language certain politicians and elites in Europe understand.

  3. KG says:

    ‘That’s the only language certain politicians and elites in Europe understand.’
    And not only in Europe.

    • Ronbo says:

      I hope that this sad chapter in the human history of the planet ends peacefully, but I know from my many history classes that no ruling class has ever gone peacefully into the night… :sad: