‘Sinister groupthink powers the modern world

‘…..They have taken on their belief-system, and the reasons for supporting it, ready-made and wholesale from others. That is why it is impossible to have any intelligent dialogue with, say, zealots for man-made climate change or the European Union, because they have not really examined the evidence for themselves but have come to a set of opinions that are skin-deep and second-hand. They can only parrot the mantras they have picked up from others…’

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10 Responses to ‘Sinister groupthink powers the modern world

  1. thor42 says:

    Absolutely agree.

    This is why it is good to see the support for parties like UKIP who want to give the fingers to the EU.

  2. KG says:

    Speaking of groupthink, take a look at this utter horseshit from Australia’s News.com:
    ‘The shock party seizing power in Europe
    THEY oppose same sex marriage, want to cut immigration and believe man-made climate change is a myth. Now for the first time, this party is set to win an election.’

    Bad enough, but what’s frightening is that a lot of people will take this “news” item seriously. :evil:

  3. In addition to groupthink is the tendency of the left to fabricate scientific data. The number of such fabrications is outrageous in the “global warming” debate and in the data fabricated regarding DDT. Add to that the tendency of the left to shut down it’s opponents by any means necessary and the “consensus” emerges. You find that at many colleges and universities in academia. When combined with post modernism, you get the whole leftist package. Is it any wonder that we have the problems that we do today?

    • KG says:

      Yet still people regard the left as open to persuasion and reason!
      They are not–they’re the enemy, to be destroyed.

  4. Ronbo says:

    In regards to the UKIP electoral victories – as bad as the Labour Party’s showing was – I’ve heard it will get much worse when Scotland leaves the UK next year. A friend of mine in England thinks that never again will Labour win an election without the Scots.

    • KG says:

      And one wonders just how PC the Scots will remain, if they have to stand on their own two feet……