Good grief, Carruthers! The peasants are rejecting their rightful masters!
‘After Election Results, Tory Party Claims Democracy Needs Urgent Reform’
It needs “urgent reform” all right – in the form of hemp rope, torches and pitchforks.
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Did ya notice how Democracy only needs to be reformed when they are losing?
Sure did.
They have no more intention of reforming anything, only hanging onto their nice little earner and sucking up to every plutocrat and third world parasite they can find. Nor do they even begin to understand what is happening; that posturing, silver spooned fool Boris Johnson has even referred to this politically seismic event a s a ‘drunken peasants revolt’ and suggested, obliquely of course, that it is comparable to the peasants revolt under Watt Tyler, and was also happy to point out that Tyler’s head ended up on a spike.
I would suggest to that blond bouffant twat that we drunken peasants are quite capable of learning the lessons of history and applying them to our benefit. Boris might well be advised to steer well clear of unoccupied spikes
The socialists in France are also scurrying around like cockroaches exposed to sunlight.
Beautiful, isn’t it?
The rise of the ultra-far right-wing racists.
The Mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they do so exceedingly fine. I am very pleased to note
Yep when they start losing they want to change the rules.I hope we see 2014-16 as a return to freedom and common sense.Maybe then the rest of you can save us