Open house

and, just for fun….

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33 Responses to Open house

  1. mawm says:

    OMG! :shock: Royals have bottoms! Who’d have thought that! :roll:

  2. mawm says:

    In other “news” – the ultra far left/racists are climbing into bed with Dotcom. Leila Harre is going to be the party leader. :roll: I wonder how taking money from a filthy rich white capitalist sits with their hatred for anybody who makes money? Hmmmm….they probably justify it as “redistribution”.

    Certainly a match made in hell and if they get anywhere near the Cabinet table it spells a disaster for New Zealand. Of course Cun(t)liffe will never acknowledge the probability of forming an alliance with them when he gets desperate to form a government, which he probably will. Key can kiss his chances goodbye after deriding the Conservative Party so.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      The polls have hardly moved since 2008. Cunliffe can do whatever he thinks: anything other than a Key-lead National government will be widely considered as illegitimate. Frankly it would better to give Norman DoC, Turia Conservation, and 100M a year each to spend on “Greening up NZ” that to let Cunliffe anywhere near government.

      But frankly NZ would be better off in the long run if Cunliffe tries to form a coalition of the losers: Egypt. Thailand. Crimea. NZ could be next on the list.

  3. Oswald bastable says:

    Finally- we own a new house! Now the joys of moving…

    • KG says:

      :sad: Been there, done that…all too bloody often. That’s when you find out how much junk you own… :lol:

      • Darin says:

        Goes easier if you throw out,burn and “lose” most of it.

        Oh,gee,a whole truckload of furniture missing,where ever could it have gone?

        • KG says:

 I’m a big fan of the “scorched earth” approach when moving.

          • Oswald Bastable says:

            Had a good purge when we moved up here,but still there is far to much junk!

            • Seneca III says:

              Did the same last year. moved from a large old country house to was judged to be a decent sized bungalow in a nearby market town. ditched at least half to the point where the local tip said they would have to start charging me if I brought any more. Not enough – still can’t bloody move nor find a damn thing. Good luck Os’, for I would suspect it is not over with yet.

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: 4 houses “owned” in this life. The last two foreclosed over past four years. Don’t miss them one bit and was able to let a lot of junk go in the process. Best blessing I ever had! I ain’t kidding!

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:


    *R2D – relate 2 dat Cointempt. Reminds me of my 46 bedroom/56 bathroom small cottage on Martha’s Vineyard what BlackBerry stole after he erection from yours very truly.

  6. KG says:

    More “refugee” material:
    Pregnant woman stoned to death by her family

  7. Ronbo says:

    Obama gets the cold shoulder at West Point: :mrgreen:

    Stand by for another purge of the officer corps. :cry:

    • KG says:

      “Working through NATO and the UN will dominate American foreign policy, Obama said: ‘This is American leadership, American strength”

      What a fucking immature, gutless jerk!
      The great scholar, the “leader you’ve all been waiting for” can’t see the contradictions in that fucking idiot statement???
      Somebody fer gawdsakes put the thing out of our misery. :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        He’s neither immature nor gutless. He is doing exactly what he promised he would do. He is fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

        Cozying up to the UN and NATO is completely in keeping with that promise. And there is no contradiction in it, because it was an utterance of The Won, in whom there is no contradiction.

        I’m about to pen 4 words I never thought I’d use in sentence: “I agree with Obama”. He isn’t weak, and anyone who claims he is, is simply not seeing the truth of the matter. He is not weak, he is evil. It really is that simple. He promised he would destroy the United States, and he is doing so.

        • KG says:

          I think you’re right, Gantt. The implications hardly bear thinking about……

  8. KG says:

    And what assclown is responsible for inviting the Boy Wonder to speak at West Point?

    • Darin says:

      He’s the Commander in Chief,he invited himself thereby drawing attention away from all the scandals he is currently in the middle of :evil:

      The outing of the CIA chief has been blamed on a junior staffer…….again,just like all the other FUBAR moments.
      Dick Cheney pointed out last night that normally no one below Secretary level would even know the Chief’s name.So that leaves two possibilities,either the store is being ran by incompetent boobs,or a senior level official leaked his name.I believe in was the latter.

  9. Darin says:

    AC-130 Spooky= one big can of whoopass :twisted:

    “Taliban Mist” :mrgreen:

  10. Robertv says:

    For those close to Dear Leader always remember that he has just 1 friend. His left hand.

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh my ass off, cry, or beat my head against a wall

    And she says it with a straight face! I mean, when the MSM makes jokes about a statement like this, it’s definitely time to take a reality check.

  12. Michael in Nelson says: