A flogging for every one of these bastards would be too kind.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Typical reaction from Leftist hate filled PIGS – Yes, I really do believe Leftists are subhuman psychopaths who should be put down like mad dogs
If I were Abbott, I’d go after this vermin with hot tongs and see to it that they are exposed, imprisoned and stripped of their money and property, and put on a slow boat to China
Yes, exile from Australia MANDATORY
…and don’t tell me this couldn’t be done under parliamentary government where the Bill of Rights doesn’t exist.
Lat’s see now… A privately owned institute awards a scholarship at the discretion of the owner to someone based on their portfolio and application. There is no evidence to the contrary but the recipient happens to be the daughter of the Prime Minister. This is cause for protests and vitriolic rhetoric. Even her ‘outraged’ classmates (p.s. the article says classmates but quotes only 1…funny that) don’t say she isn’t very good just that others she studied with are.
Definitely something Socialists must become passionate about and protest against because it is not about talent, effort, or worth but rather all about envy ans being a victim.
Flogging KG, how about a bitchslap? Administered every 30 seconds by one of the kidnapped teenage Christian girls.
“Flogging KG, how about a bitchslap? Administered every 30 seconds by one of the kidnapped teenage Christian girls.”
Good idea.
I hate the left but Abbott should have declined it and paid for his daughter himself. Sometimes, when you can afford something that could be free, its noble to pay for it. I wonder if his judgement is slipping – you give the left nothing to pick on by being moral and principled in everything.
I completely disagree. There is no evidence Ms Abbott attained the scholarship on anything other than merit.
I don’t know why she should recuse herself from seeking – and attaining – such an award just because her father happens to be the leader of the clean-up crew. The scholarship is given by a private organisation using their own money – it ain’t taxpayer funds.
As with every other time they open their entitled mouths, the whingeing, cry-baby leftards complaining about this should be told to simply FUCK OFF. If they want the scholarship, they should earn it, as Ms Abbott has.
I understand what you are saying but the left will hate no matter how moral and principles we are. Truth is being moral is one of the things they hate the most.
When dealing with the left, being moral is our Achilles heel.
Lefties live in a dream-world, where everything is “unfair”. It never occurs to them that the PMs office is the highest in the land, and his wife is likely a hard-working smart cookie too… Ergo… their children are going to make a mockery of shiftless no-talent seat-warmers who’ve been told how great they are in spite of [I’m just guessing this bit] underperforming their whole lives.
All 18 or years of it.
If I didn’t actually like old people I might look up their nannas and retarded cousins and go park the falcon over letterboxes, through fences etc.
“When dealing with the left, being moral is our Achilles heel.” Sure is. Any ideas on guerilla paybacks? Melb’s only 500kms away… ()
Back when someone pulled up a sign saying ditch the witch regarding a lying piece of shit, these pieces of shit were all frothing and wailing. But now that they get their chance, it’s full on physicality when it comes to females.
Such a bunch of sniveling c****s, there will come a day when the law abiding and decent public will have a gutful of these spoilt shits and a lot of free dental work and hot slaps will be handed out in the dark of the night. Don’t worry about the cops with their statements and that useless shit. It’s not very difficult to talk in the same language and they’ll get their comeuppance then.
I hope so, Matt.