Leftist chimp-think:

‘One of the fundamental misconceptions of the liberal-left is that you can’t get richer without others getting poorer. This is the root cause of the widespread belief that capitalism is unfair and that government intervention is essential in order to create “social justice.”
…..Because mentally they’re still stuck in the Pleistocene era, is why. Subconsciously they’re living in the days when the hunting party has come back with, say, a scrawny warthog, or a large rat, and that’s all there is to go round their community. The economic world has grown a great deal more sophisticated since then, but the left-liberal brain – or at least the most dominant part of it – hasn’t. In the left’s head, the size of the economy is as fixed as the amount of meat on that large rat is fixed: that’s why, for them, fairness is such a life and death issue. Because in the prehistoric era their brains inhabit, it really was…’    source

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4 Responses to Leftist chimp-think:

  1. Robertv says:

    Milton Friedman – Lesson of the Pencil


  2. Mathew says:

    I’m pretty sure that chimps are far smarter than most lefties. After all we’d send them to space, but not your average leftie.