Are we surprised?

‘Memo outlines Obama’s plan to use the military against citizens’

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3 Responses to Are we surprised?

  1. This is the reason that he wanted an internal security force equal to the military. He couldn’t get it and so he directed the military to draw up plans for the use of troops against American civilians in direct violation of Federal law. President Obama has also militarized numerous Federal agencies with no enforcement mandate presumably to supplement actions against American citizens. This is the left in all of it’s glory. An enemy of freedom, an enemy of peace, and an enemy of the public at large. It has proven itself thus for years on end and it has never changed. That memo is precisely why I won’t register my firearms and I won’t give up my ammunition. I may just need them to fight the growing tyranny in Washington D.C. that is apparently planning on the use of force to quell dissent.

  2. KG says:

    My advice to anybody who owns a registered firearm, William, is to lose your guns!
    Grease, wrap well and bury.
    A lot of Europeans would have still been alive at the end of WW2 had they done the same.